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How to Personalize Stable Diffusion for ALL the Things

This is the repository to How to Personalize Stable Diffusion for ALL the Things. It improves the DreamBooth paper by enabling Stable Diffusion to learn many styles & objects. You can try it out in this Google Colab.

Finetuning Model (Step-by-step)

You can finetune your own or the metamodel wth your own style or object. For that:

  1. prepare high-quality (at least 512x512) images of your style or object in a folder; quality over quantity but at least 5 images are recommended
  2. specify the path to the images in
  3. specify what kind category your images are (e.g. dog, painting); this gives the model context on the learnt object
  4. specify whether you want a private model, trained from pretrained, or let the metamodel learn your object
    • for your own model, set target_model to 'private'
    • for the public metamodel, set target_model to 'meta'
    • for the private metamodel, set target_model to 'private_meta'
  5. run
  6. you will get back an identifier, which can be used to create images of that object/style

Generate Images (Step-by-step)

You can either use your own models or the metamodel to generate images. For that:

  1. choose the identifier of the object/style you want to create
  2. specify prompt with the identifier of the object/style you want to create
    • note: category not needed as it's automatically fetched
  3. specify whether you want to use your own model or use the metamodel or simply pretrained stable difusion
    • the own model will be identified by the identifier you got back from the finetuning and it has been solely trained to fit your style/object, set target_model to 'private'
    • the metamodel has been trained to fit many styles from many users, set target_model to 'meta'
    • for metamodel that has been trained to fit many styles & objects from only use, set target_model to 'private_meta'
    • for the pretrained model, set target_model to 'pretrained'
  4. run
  5. the generated image will be saved in the generated_images folder with the prompt and a timestamp as filename

Listing Used Identifiers & Their Categories

In order to retrieve the identifiers for other objects/styles and their categories, you can execute