Extension of Array that adds functions for ensuring unique values. Loosely based on mongo arrays: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/operator/update-array/
Set is a new data type in ES6, though it does not enforce object uniqueness:
npm install -S dataset.js
var DataSet = require('dataset.js');
var ds = new DataSet();
// assume this object for all examples below
var doc = {
id: 123,
name: 'jimmy',
location: 'San Francisco, CA'
// iterates through all items in the set,
// does a deep compare, and adds if the doc
// is not already in the set.
// pulls the item from the set
// for each item in docs,
// call addToSet
// returns true if the exact (deeply compared) document is in the set.
// clear all items from the set.
// iterates through the set and checks for any
// existing documents with the same id. (does NOT deep compare)
ds.addToSet(doc, 'id');
ds.pull(doc, 'id');
ds.addEachToSet(docs, 'id');
ds.hasItem(doc, 'id');
var comparatorFunction = function(lhs, rhs) {
return lhs.fancyKey === rhs.fancyKey;
// iterates through the set and passes each item
// through the comparator function
ds.addToSet(doc, comparatorFunction);
ds.addToSet(doc, comparatorFunction);
ds.pull(doc, comparatorFunction);
ds.addEachToSet(docs, comparatorFunction);
ds.hasItem(doc, comparatorFunction);