This image is the traefik base. It comes from alpine-monit.
docker build -t rawmind/alpine-traefik:<version> .
This image runs traefik with monit. It is started with traefik user/group with 10001 uid/gid.
Besides, you can customize the configuration in several ways:
Traefic is installed with the default configuration and some parameters can be overrided with env variables:
- TRAEFIK_HTTP_PORT=8080 # http port > 1024 due to run as non privileged user
- TRAEFIK_HTTPS_ENABLE="false" # "true" enables https and http endpoints. "Only" enables https endpoints and redirect http to https.
- TRAEFIK_HTTPS_PORT=8443 # https port > 1024 due to run as non privileged user
- TRAEFIK_ADMIN_PORT=8000 # admin port > 1024 due to run as non privileged user
- TRAEFIK_DEBUG="false" # Enable/disable debug mode
- TRAEFIK_INSECURE_SKIP="false" # Enable/disable InsecureSkipVerify parameter
- TRAEFIK_LOG_FILE="/opt/traefik/log/traefik.log"} # Log file. Redirected to docker stdout.
- TRAEFIK_ACCESS_FILE="/opt/traefik/log/access.log"} # Access file. Redirected to docker stdout.
- TRAEFIK_SSL_PATH="/opt/traefik/certs" # Path to search .key and .crt files
- TRAEFIK_ACME_ENABLE="false" # Enable/disable traefik ACME feature
- TRAEFIK_ACME_EMAIL="[email protected]" # Default email
- TRAEFIK_ACME_ONDEMAND="true" # ACME ondemand parameter
- TRAEFIK_ACME_ONHOSTRULE="true" # ACME OnHostRule parameter
- TRAEFIK_K8S_ENABLE="false" # Enable/disable traefik K8S feature
Traefik is installed under /opt/traefik and make use of /opt/traefik/etc/traefik.toml and /opt/traefik/etc/rules.toml.
You can edit or overwrite this files in order to customize your own configuration or certificates.
You could also include FROM rawmind/alpine-traefik at the top of your Dockerfile, and add your custom config.
Added SSL configuration. Set TRAEFIK_HTTPS_ENABLE="< true || only >" to enable it.
SSL certificates are located by default in /opt/traefik/certs. You need to provide .key AND .crt files to that directory, in order traefik gets automatically configured with ssl.
If you put more that one key/crt files in the certs directory, traefik gets sni enabled and configured. You also could map you cert storage volume to traefik and mount it in $TRAEFIK_SSL_PATH value.
You could also include FROM rawmind/alpine-traefik at the top of your Dockerfile, and add your custom ssl files.
If you enable SSL configuration, you could enable traefik letsencrypt support as well (ACME). To do it, set TRAEFIK_ACME_ENABLE="true".
If you are running it in rancher, you could run rancher-traefik as a sidekick to get dynamic configuration.
See rancher-example, that run a traefik lb in all infrastructure servers and publish ${TRAEFIK_HTTP_PORT}, ${TRAEFIK_HTTPS_PORT} and ${TRAEFIK_ADMIN_PORT} throught them.
Add sni automation to the traefik.