Unofficial collection of keybinds and random browser console utility scripts to use on
- None of these are guaranteed to remain working and can break at anytime due to changes to the main website without warning.
- These scripts are all unofficial (with few exceptions that will be explicitly stated) and are not officially endorsed by Jasper (developer of
- None of those scripts are meant for ripping or downloading of assets from as this is against the website's policies (with good reason).
- Some basic knowledge on JavaScript and how to use the browser console is expected to use these.
To use these scripts, you can either manually copy and paste them directly on the console everytime you want to use them, or you can put them on a JavaScript injection extension for whichever browser you use and have them be injected automatically. (You will still need to open the console to actually run the scripts you want by calling their functions)
- Force V-Sync Framerate
- Calculate Effective Rendered FPS
- Teleport Cameras (WASD, Orbit, Orbit Origin, Ortho)
- Toggle Camera Upward Axis
- Toggle Pointer Lock
- Change Game Time Speed Scale
- Change Orthographic Camera Near and Far Planes
- Toggle Branding
- Enable Studio Mode
- Export Local Savestates and Studio Mode Data
- Extra Camera Settings