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Joe Hellerstein edited this page Dec 8, 2015 · 1 revision

Computing your final grade

Note: while glookup had everyone's indivdual scores correct, the parameter file was not set up to compute the first formula below. Hence you were being shown an incorrect Total score, and incorrect statistics for the class grade distribution. This was fixed in glookup on 5/26.

Because of the discussion regarding midterms below, glookup is not the last word on final grades. As promised, we used a method that ensured that the decision below could only raise your grade:

  1. We first graded everyone based on the original grading breakdown below, and drew up letter grade boundaries. The formula for your score (out of 100) was:
  • HW1+HW2+HW3*(5/10)+HW4*(15/12)+Midterm1*(15/67)+Midterm2*(15/45)+Final*(20/77)
  1. We then regraded everyone using the MAX of their two midterms, and assigned letter grades based on the boundaries from step (1). If your grade went up, we increased your final grade.
  • HW1+HW2+HW3*(5/10)+HW4*(15/12)+MAX(Midterm1/67, Midterm2/45)30+Final(20/77)

We did not revisit step (1) after finishing step (2).

Here are the grade cutoffs for the formulae above: || Grade || Minimum || ||F || 0 || ||D ||50|| ||C-|| 60|| ||C||63.5|| ||C+||74|| ||B-||75|| ||B||77|| ||B+||83|| ||A-||85|| ||A||87|| ||A+||96||

Grading Breakdown

There will be five homeworks, one midterm, and a final exam. The breakdown is as follows:

|| HW1: Postgres buffer manager || 10% || || HW2: Postgres internals || 20% || || HW3: SQL and MapReduce || 5% || || HW4: Web Application Design in Rails || 15% || || Midterm 1 || 15% || || Midterm 2 || 15% || || Final || 20% ||

Notes on grading (please read)


  After some discussion, we've decided to drop the lower of your two midterm scores 
  from your final grade.  No penalty for having a bad day on one of the midterms.  

  Your midterms will still count for 30% of your grade.

  Good luck finishing HW4 and studying for the final!
  -- Joe, Kuang, Peter

The percentages are subject to change as circumstances dictate. Since exams are the main indicators we have of individual grasp of the material, we reserve the right to adjust final letter grades based on exam performance. In particular, students who do not achieve a passing average on the exams will not receive a passing grade in the class.

Late Policy for Assignments

Each student gets 3 calendar days of extension to be used during the semester. You can use the extension on any assignment(s) during the semester (in increments that are rounded up to the nearest integer). For instance, you can hand in one assignment 3 days late, or each of three assignments 1 day late. For group project assignments, the slip time will be deducted from each team member's remaining slip time. When you hand in a late assignment, you must identify in a README file the following: (i) how late this assignment is, and (ii) how much of the total slip time you have left. No assignment will be accepted more than 3 days late. After you have used up your slip time, any assignment handed in late will be marked off 25% per day. There will be no extensions granted.


C'mon ... we're here to learn, not to sneak around. Don't cheat. We'll catch you. And beyond that, it's not the right thing to do.

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