Welcome on this webApp! You can find here some very basic music tools as something to give you the current beat you are tapping, a metronome and a sound emitter to help you to tune you instrument.If ever you would like to discuss about this work, click here
- follow my path is dead
changes icons (hammer and notes / white and black)
input scale (need factory for gammes and mode)
- page chord
- add uml class diagram
- remove hash navigation
- add page 404
- use history API! https://developers.google.com/search/docs/guides/javascript-seo-basics?hl=fr
- change front page (tuner or metronome instead of beat taker)
- add helper
- modify title/description on each pages
- rework beattaker (3 last pulse instead of all)
- add repetition of pattern in follow my path
- add sass
- add webpack
- page followmypath
- change h1 with page
- on beattaker, reset auto
- bunch of bugs fixes
- local storage!
- perf upgrade
- new desing
- major architecture changes (using factory patterns)
- page config
- adding random button
- major css refacto