Joserrabot is created!
This is the first release for Joserrabot, a dummy application to control several things such as weather forecast or reminders in a persistent database. Joserrabot has been developed using GrammY.
If you want to start chating with Joserrabot, simply search for @joserrabot or @larguebot on Telegram.
- User Authentication. You need to set the password in order to start using the bot.
- Weather calls to an API. You can also check the forecast for several days.
- Database of reminders using Mongo Database Atlas.
- Internal session storage to manage weather location and user password in the same user session.
- Use of GrammY conversations to create the reminders
To Do
- Allow to update reminders
- Allow to delete reminders
- Add support for groups
- Use the reminder database to create a real reminder, for example, a birthday one.
- Add support for bus transport API