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Symfony 3.4 LTS + Standart Symfony Framework + FosRestBundle (api) + Docker-compose with Makefile

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Repository files navigation

POC Symfony 3.4 LTS FosRestBundle


  • The PHP version must be greater than or equal to PHP 7.2
  • The SQLite 3 extension must be enabled
  • The JSON extension must be enabled
  • The Ctype extension must be enabled
  • The date.timezone parameter must be defined in php.ini

More information on symfony website.

Features developed

This git repot was migrate to symfony 3 LTS version, to look at before this migration, follow this link.

[1] Front Office

Online advert management.

  • Controller
    • List / add / edit / delete advert
    • List of applications for an advert
  • Features / Configuration used
    • Generate data Fixture (entity): Advert, Category, Skill (with Nelmio Alice)
    • Test units on advert / application entities
  • Services
    • Antispam: Check if the messages are more than 50 characters, otherwise it will be considered like spam.
    • ApplicationMailer: Send an mail to author's advert when a candidate register.
    • Beta: Displays a yellow banner indicating the number of days remaining before the end of the beta.
    • Bigbrother: Send an email to admin if some users post a message.
    • CustomParamConverter: Display param converter from url request.
    • MarkdownTransformer: Convert markdown to html.

[2] BackOffice / User management

BackOffice / User management with fos/user-bundle.

  • Controller
    • Login / logout / forgotten password...
    • Role management
  • Features / Configuration used
    • Generate data Fixture (entity): Some users with role (admin, author, api access, user)
    • Entity management with the EasyAdminBundle (Symfony BackOffice)
    • In BackOffice, export entity data to csv file with serializer component

[3] Rest API

Add Rest API implementation with fos/rest-bundle.

  • Controller
    • CRUD
      • [GET] Get advert or application data
      • [POST] Add advert or application with validation data
      • [PATCH] Update some fields in advert
      • [PUT] Update all fields in advert
      • [DELETE] Remove advert
  • Features / Configuration used
    • Query String (QueryParam & ParamFetcher)
    • API Documentation: Using NelmioApiDocBundle v2.x to generate online doc with Annotations (ApiDoc & FosRest).
    • Security: Authentication by token (X-Auth-Token)

[4] PHP-cli

Custom command lines:

  • php bin/console advert:list --number=10 --order=DESC: List Advert Items.
  • php bin/console advert:view ID: View Advert Items.
  • php bin/console advert:rapport ID: Send Advert info by email to recipient.

You can simulate a server-dump like Symfony4 version on Dev Env with this command (command different with docker/makefile):
truncate -s 0 var/log/vardump.log && tail -f var/log/vardump.log


You can install this poc with docker instructions OR these command lines:

git clone [email protected]:jgauthi/poc_symfony3_fosrestbundle.git
cd poc_symfony3_fosrestbundle

composer install

cp .env .env.local
# EDIT configuration on .env.local

php bin/console doctrine:database:create --if-not-exists
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

# Optional
php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load

For the asset symlink install, launch a terminal on administrator in windows environment.

Deploy on prod

  • Delete manualy "var/*/" content before send file (ftp)
  • Chmod 775 recursive on prod, on folder: "var/"
  • If an 500 error occurs, check log on "var/logs/prod"


Symfony 3.4 LTS + Standart Symfony Framework + FosRestBundle (api) + Docker-compose with Makefile




