This implementation is more focus on multi-threaded producer/consumer model; a recycled threaded mechanism along with a easy interface which marshall incoming connections to child thread.
SimpleServer : main server body, start the server, start the worker, coupling the I/O with Workers.
Worker.h : Simple producer/consumer multi-thread model
Recycle threads: Instead of starting a new thread for every incoming jobs, certain number of threads would be pre-invoked and put into wait. (cpu No. minus 1) Once job is coming, idle thread will be wake up and work; sleep otherwise. Each thread's life-cycle is the same as the whole process. (or "setExit()")
Interface: i. createWorkers(): init the mechanism ii. JobPkg: pair of a. custom data b. custom callback iii. enqueueJob(JobPkg& ): push job into job queue iv. setExit(): push the killer function into job queue
Misc: i. wait condition: a. producer wait: more than 99 jobs in queue b. consumer (worker): no jobs
Usage: (Ubuntu)
- under SimpleServer/> make
- IP addr : port is expecting 9800
- could afford multiple client app to connect.