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Using Flood behind a web server (Nginx)

Jesse Chan edited this page Mar 12, 2021 · 8 revisions

In order to use Flood behind a reverse proxy:

  • Forward /api requests to Flood's NodeJS backend server.
  • Serve static assets.
  • Redirects client routes (/overview, /register and /login) to index.html.

Alternatively you may forward all requests to Flood. However, to get better performance, serve static assets from the web server.

This tutorial assumes that Flood is running at This is configurable by --host and --port arguments.

This tutorial assumes that Flood is installed in /usr/lib/node_modules/flood and as such assets are located in:


This is usually the case if you installed Flood globally with npm. Other possible locations include:

  • /usr/share/flood/assets
  • /usr/lib/node_modules/@jesec/flood/dist/assets (rolling release)
  • <source directory>/dist/assets (compile from source)

Note that assets are bundled if you use standalone executable. You have to either switch to other installation methods or simply forward all requests to Flood.

Serve from the root

For example:

Your nginx config should contain these rules:

root /usr/lib/node_modules/flood/dist/assets;

location /api {

location / {
  try_files $uri /index.html;

Serve from a nested route

Often people want to expose multiple web applications with a single nginx config. This is possible using Flood's --baseuri option.

For example, when --baseuri=/flood, you may access Flood at:

Flood frontend uses relative path so there has to be a slash at the end when you access the nested route.

You may configure your web server to redirect users from /flood to /flood/.

Your nginx config should contain these rules:


location /flood/api {

location /flood/ {
  alias /usr/lib/node_modules/flood/dist/assets/;
  try_files $uri /flood/index.html;

# redirect from `/flood` to `/flood/`
rewrite ^/(flood)$ $1/ permanent;

Disable caching for API endpoints

API requests should not be cached. You can disable caching in nginx by adding these lines in your location /api block:

proxy_buffering off;
proxy_cache off;


Static assets of Flood are large. Compression can save bandwidth and make the page loading faster.

Note that to enable compression, you must serve static assets from web server.

gzip on;
gzip_vary on;
gzip_proxied any;
gzip_comp_level 6;
gzip_types text/plain text/css text/xml application/json application/javascript image/x-icon;

You may also use other compression methods such as brotli.

HTTP Basic Auth

You may opt to use HTTP basic auth. To avoid double authentication, use auth=none option of Flood and pre-configure client connection settings.

satisfy any;
allow; # Allows unauthenticated access from local network
deny all;

auth_basic "Private Server";
auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/.passwords.list;