Telegram.BotBuilder is a library that allows you to structure your commands, handlers and logic of your program.
Based on
but modified for the new version ofTelegram.Bot
Based on dotnet standard 2.1
And of course I made this library for my own use because this approach is extremely convenient and useful when developing complex Telegram bots. I am always open to your changes, commits and wishes :)
Add Telegram.BotBuilder to your project:
Package Manager
PM> Install-Package Telegram.BotBuilder
>dotnet add package Telegram.BotBuilder
or something else
Next you should inherit your class from the base abstract BotBase class.
public class TestBot1 : BotBase
public TestBot1(string username, ITelegramBotClient client) : base(username, client)
public TestBot1(string username, string token) : base(username, token)
After that you should register it as a Transient. You can register any number of your telegram bots.
// Add\create your telegram bot as transient
builder.Services.AddTransient(_ => new TestBot1("nameOfYourBot1", "tokenOfBot1"));
builder.Services.AddTransient(_ => new TestBot2("nameOfYourBot2", "tokenOfBot2"));
For commands, you should inherit from CommandBase abstract class.
public class MessageCommand : CommandBase
public override async Task HandleAsync(
ITelegramBotClient botClient,
Update update,
string[] args,
CancellationToken cancellationToken
// do smth what you want
await botClient.SendTextMessageAsync(
"Some text from message command",
cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
// do smth what you want
For handlers, you should inherit from IUpdateHandler
public class TodayHandler : IUpdateHandler
public static bool CanHandle(IUpdateContext context)
context.Update.Type == UpdateType.CallbackQuery
public async Task HandleUpdateAsync(
ITelegramBotClient botClient,
Update update,
CancellationToken cancellationToken
await botClient.EditMessageTextAsync(
$"Today's date: {DateTime.Today:d}",
cancellationToken: cancellationToken
public Task HandlePollingErrorAsync(ITelegramBotClient botClient, Exception exception, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
throw exception;
Your handlers or commands should be registered as scoped.
// add scoped your commands/handlers
Next, you are ready for building with the help of this library of your logic
// configure your bot builder
var botBuilder = new BotBuilder()
For example for .UseCommand<> we pass a specific command(MessageCommand) that will be initialized after the user sends a certain message. (/message).
For .UseWhen<> we pass a specific handler(TodayHandler) that will be initialized if we have true value in TodayHandler.CanHandle method.
Here's CanHandle example:
public static bool CanHandle(IUpdateContext context)
context.Update.Type == UpdateType.CallbackQuery
You can even use .MapWhen<>. Here's some examples of builder:
var botBuilderWithMapWhen = new BotBuilder()
.MapWhen(When.NewMessage, msgBranch => msgBranch
.MapWhen(When.NewTextMessage, txtBranch => txtBranch
.MapWhen(When.NewCommand, cmdBranch => cmdBranch
After that you can bind using LongPolling:
// bind as LongPolling
await app.UseTelegramBotLongPolling<TestBot1>(botBuilder);
await app.UseTelegramBotLongPolling<TestBot2>(botBuilder);
Or using Webhooks
// or as Webhook
await app.UseTelegramBotWebhook<TestBot1>(botBuilder, new Uri("https://example.com/test1/bot"));
await app.UseTelegramBotWebhook<TestBot2>(botBuilderWithMapWhen, new Uri("https://example.com/test2/bot"));
You can find all these examples and work with them in the webapi project