Merge pull request #1789 from jenkins-infra/updatecli_main_12f2566c62… #1501
on: push
2 errors and 4 warnings
GraphqlResponseError: Request failed due to following response errors:
- Something went wrong while executing your query. Please include `CFC1:283FA1:356C857:6B7C5E3:67CABFEA` when reporting this issue.
at /home/runner/work/_actions/release-drafter/release-drafter/b1476f6e6eb133afa41ed8589daba6dc69b4d3f5/dist/index.js:9482:13
at async paginate (/home/runner/work/_actions/release-drafter/release-drafter/b1476f6e6eb133afa41ed8589daba6dc69b4d3f5/dist/index.js:194090:21)
at async findCommitsWithAssociatedPullRequests (/home/runner/work/_actions/release-drafter/release-drafter/b1476f6e6eb133afa41ed8589daba6dc69b4d3f5/dist/index.js:193882:12)
at async drafter (/home/runner/work/_actions/release-drafter/release-drafter/b1476f6e6eb133afa41ed8589daba6dc69b4d3f5/dist/index.js:193570:7)
at async Promise.all (index 0)
name: 'AggregateError',
event: {
id: '13717990167',
name: 'push',
payload: {
after: 'd4de8881ffd19d0e09decc90bc3c4867a46976f6',
base_ref: null,
before: 'c8607b885d068e28112be8d8b820a93612a17294',
commits: [
author: {
email: '[email protected]',
name: 'Jenkins Infra Bot (updatecli)',
username: 'jenkins-infra-bot'
committer: {
email: '[email protected]',
name: 'Jenkins Infra Bot (updatecli)',
username: 'jenkins-infra-bot'
distinct: false,
id: '4ad89a10bd9d670559475d35f2d5c91c5ec96aaa',
message: 'chore: Update the `aws` CLI version in the goss test\n' +
'\n' +
'Made with ❤️️ by updatecli',
timestamp: '2025-03-06T20:10:41Z',
tree_id: 'c53a19434e9a8a8afa3a911a1d44131289c078e5',
url: ''
author: {
email: '[email protected]',
name: 'Jenkins Infra Bot (updatecli)',
username: 'jenkins-infra-bot'
committer: {
email: '[email protected]',
name: 'Jenkins Infra Bot (updatecli)',
username: 'jenkins-infra-bot'
distinct: false,
id: 'd1100cff23459a6b8896eff4da514470e880c10d',
message: 'chore: Update the `aws` CLI version in the tools-versions.yml file\n' +
'\n' +
'Made with ❤️️ by updatecli',
timestamp: '2025-03-06T20:10:42Z',
tree_id: '27286a852ee0469a1b6ce7c2ccc42c10d1cfdd98',
url: ''
author: {
email: '[email protected]',
name: 'Damien Duportal',
username: 'dduportal'
committer: {
email: '[email protected]',
name: 'GitHub',
username: 'web-flow'
distinct: true,
id: 'd4de8881ffd19d0e09decc90bc3c4867a46976f6',
message: 'Merge pull request #1789 from jenkins-infra/updatecli_main_12f2566c62a56a9f3f23f9201508c71468e9eb457d9762750bf1d3989ac09766\n' +
'\n' +
'Bump the `aws` CLI version to 2.24.18',
timestamp: '2025-03-07T10:43:56+01:00',
tree_id: '27286a852ee0469a1b6ce7c2ccc42c10d1cfdd98',
url: ''
compare: '',
created: false,
deleted: false,
forced: false,
head_commit: {
author: {
email: '[email protected]',
name: 'Damien Duportal',
username: 'dduportal'
committer: {
email: '[email protected]
Request failed due to following response errors:
- Something went wrong while executing your query. Please include `CFC1:283FA1:356C857:6B7C5E3:67CABFEA` when reporting this issue.
name: 'GraphqlResponseError',
id: '13717990167',
request: {
query: '\n' +
' query findCommitsWithAssociatedPullRequests(\n' +
' $name: String!\n' +
' $owner: String!\n' +
' $targetCommitish: String!\n' +
' $withPullRequestBody: Boolean!\n' +
' $withPullRequestURL: Boolean!\n' +
' $since: GitTimestamp\n' +
' $after: String\n' +
' $withBaseRefName: Boolean!\n' +
' $withHeadRefName: Boolean!\n' +
' $pullRequestLimit: Int!\n' +
' ) {\n' +
' repository(name: $name, owner: $owner) {\n' +
' object(expression: $targetCommitish) {\n' +
' ... on Commit {\n' +
' history(first: 100, since: $since, after: $after) {\n' +
' totalCount\n' +
' pageInfo {\n' +
' hasNextPage\n' +
' endCursor\n' +
' }\n' +
' nodes {\n' +
' id\n' +
' committedDate\n' +
' message\n' +
' author {\n' +
' name\n' +
' user {\n' +
' login\n' +
' }\n' +
' }\n' +
' associatedPullRequests(first: $pullRequestLimit) {\n' +
' nodes {\n' +
' title\n' +
' number\n' +
' url @include(if: $withPullRequestURL)\n' +
' body @include(if: $withPullRequestBody)\n' +
' author {\n' +
' login\n' +
' __typename\n' +
' url\n' +
' }\n' +
' baseRepository {\n' +
' nameWithOwner\n' +
' }\n' +
' mergedAt\n' +
' isCrossRepository\n' +
' labels(first: 100) {\n' +
' nodes {\n' +
' name\n' +
' }\n' +
' }\n' +
' merged\n' +
' baseRefName @include(if: $withBaseRefName)\n' +
' headRefName @include(if: $withHeadRefName)\n' +
' }\n' +
' }\n' +
' }\n' +
' }\n' +
' }\n' +
' }\n' +
' }\n' +
' }\n',
variables: {
name: 'packer-images',
owner: 'jenkins-infra',
targetCommitish: 'refs/heads/main',
withPullRequestBody: false,
withPullRequestURL: false,
withBaseRefName: false,
withHeadRefName: false,
pullRequestLimit: 5,
after: 'd4de8881ffd19d0e09decc90bc3c4867a46976f6 99'
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