Ever wanted to have a waiting wheel while your image is loading?
Ever wanted to show a new image only when it is ready?
Juste act like this:
<jehon-img-loading src='your-image.jpg'></jehon-img-loading>
At first, the element is initialized with a loading gif.
When the url change, the element will:
- Load the new image in the background
- When the new image is loaded, it will put it front and remove the old one (the old one being the waiting wheel for the first load).
The element has various API:
el = document.querySelector('jehon-image-loading...');
* Show a waiting wheel while the url-image is loading
* Stay on current image while the url-image is loading
Event fired when the new url-image is loaded and has been displayed.
In the detail, you will find the url of the loaded image.
Waiting wheel: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Loading_icon.gif https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Hourglass_icon.png
Landscape: Kerry Raymond - https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Landscape_of_Tarome,_2022_08.jpg Kerry Raymond - retrieved at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Landscape_of_Tarome,_2022_12.jpg