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Jef King edited this page Jun 27, 2018 · 15 revisions

Use Case

The adaptive task increments or decrements frequency one step at a time. When the task is run it returns either true or false which signals to step up or down. This provides scale that slowly gets faster or slower.

class MyTask : AdaptiveTask
	public override void Run(out bool workWasDone)
		workWasDone = false;
		//Process background work here.

		//If work is done
		workWasDone = true;
class MyTask : IDynamicRuns
	public async Task<bool> Run()
		//Process background work here.

		return true; //If work is done

	public int MinimumPeriodInSeconds
		private set;

	public int MaximumPeriodInSeconds
		private set;

Frequency Samples

Exponential Adaptive Task Exponential

Linear Adaptive Task Linear

You can now Auto-Scale your adaptive tasks!

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