Using this to learn Rust and see what all the fuss is about.
A command line utility which deletes merged git branches conveniently.
- deletes all branches on your local machine merged into a branch you specify.
- allows you to protect specific branches to never be deleted.
- will not delete the current branch you are in.
- Force users to add-protected-branches as we won't allow this to work until default branches are added.
- Delete on remote.
I often work on multiple branches every day and rarely delete branches I work on, review and test. This results in a messy directory where I end up cleaning things manually.
cargo install gitrip
View help
gitrip --help
Git rip allows you to add protected branches which will prevent those branches from being removed.
Add a protected directory and confirm
gitrip --add-protected-branches 'master, staging'
cat .git/config
Show local branches which have been merged into staging
gitrip --show-merged staging
Delete branches merged into staging
gitrip --branch staging
ca-comms % git branch
* 193-current-branch