Dockerized version of knock, for downloading and converting Adobe Digital Editions ACSM to EPUB or PDF
Knock (Originally from BentonEdmondson/knock, but that repo is gone!) is a useful tool for downloading and converting eBooks from Adobe Editions. Adobe Editions itself is not needed. This is a dockerized version of knock, so you don't need to enable user namespaces which some may consider a security risk.
- You will need an acsm file (Adobe Digital Editions) file.
- Change to the directory containing the acsm file.
- First run: You will need to run the container as interactive to enter your ADE credentials.
docker run -it -v $(pwd):/home/knock -v ~/.config/knock:/root/.config/knock --rm jeffrice/docker-knock File.acsm
- After the first run (and your credentials are saved), you can leave off the