jedahan's dotfiles for ghostty, zsh, hx, jj, ssh, and mpv on macOS.
Customizations are minimal, understandable, and independent, so newcomers can dive in.
check out the linux branch
Clone this repository
jj git clone ~/.dotfiles
Backup existing files
jj --repository ~/.dotfiles file list | xargs -I _ mv -vi "$HOME/_" "$HOME/_.backup"
Symlink dotfiles to home directory
jj --repository ~/.dotfiles file list | xargs -I _ ln -sf "$HOME/.dotfiles/_" "$HOME/_"
Setup function for managing dotfiles when in home directory
jj() { command jj $([[ "$PWD" == "$HOME" ]] && echo "--repository .dotfiles") "$@"; }
Manage changes with jj
in your home directory
jj status
Add a config file to git
mv .config/app.toml .dotfiles/.config/app.toml
ln -sf .dotfiles/.config/app.toml ~/.config/app.toml
jj describe --message 'track app config'
Backup existing files
jj --repository ~/.dotfiles file list | xargs -I _ mv -vi "$HOME/_" "$HOME/_.backup"
Copy dotfiles from repo back to home
jj --repository ~/.dotfiles file list | xargs -I _ cp -i "$HOME/.dotfiles/_" "$HOME/_"