- Install ionic globally
npm i -g ionic
- Install firebase globally
npm i -g firebase-tools
- Go to folder where you will create new ionic project and run:
ionic start myNewProject
cd myNewProject
Install ionic Lab
npm i @ionic/lab --save
- Install angularFire & firebase
npm i @angular/fire firebase --save
- Fix RXJS Error
npm i rxjs@6 rxjs-comat@6 --save
- Create Project in firebase
npm i rxjs@6 rxjs-comat@6 --save
- (Optional) Change to lazy loading
- Delete page
- Create new one
ionic g page home
- Remove references (app.module & app.component)
Uncomment service worker in
Config firebase
firebase login
firebase init
- Build production
- If there is building error run
npm i @angular-devkit/build-optimizer --save
ionic build --prod --optimize
- Deploy
firebase deploy
- Create One Signal project
- Change (icon, name, add files)