Position-independent hover-zoom module
See demo here: https://www.cunninghamwebdd.com/demo/hover-zoom/
This is a simple hover-zoom module that you can place anywhere on a page. The aspect-ratio of the images are designed to be 1:1 since the containers are of 1:1 aspect-ratio.
The larger image should be 5 times larger than the smaller image. However any image will work, the magnification is done in the code.
The smaller image should have a height/width dimension of 300px by 300px.
The code uses a combination of requestAnimationFrame, variable caching, and translate3d to optimize performance.
This is designed around two-containers, the image that you want to magnify is on the left, and some text/description is on the right. When you hover on the small image, a larger-zoomed-in image will overlay the text/description container. When the mouse leaves the small-image area, the larger-zoomed-in image will disappear and the text/description will once again be visible.
There is a compressed file which includes a copy of jQuery, the actual code itself and the sample images.
This means that there will only be one image to be zoomed. In this case, all you'd need to do is to make sure your small image with a dimension of 300px by 300px be named small-image.jpg and the larger image to be shown for the zoom-effect to have a dimension of 1500px by 1500px (preferrably).
Include the hover-zoom-module.css, square-cursor.png, the hover-handler.js, files and the photos themselves.
Then drop the zoom-module part of the code in your site:
<div id="zoom-module">
<div id="small-image-container">
<img src="small-image.jpg" id="small-image" width="300px" height="300px">
<div id="text-container">
<h1 class="big-text">Sample header</h1>
<p>Sample text</p>
<div id="zoomed-image-container">
<img src="large-image.jpg" id="large-image" width="1500px" height="1500px">
In the dynamic version, you'd have a script that changes the source of both the small and large images. Otherwise the rest is the same.
This is only intended to be used on non-touch-screen devices eg. devices with a mouse, as the tracking does not work well on touch-based devices like phones.
This requires jQuery