An interactive, two player game of Battleship. The purpose of this project is to practice Test Driven Development (TDD) and tie together the concepts learned in the JavaScript module of The Odin Project. This is the capstone project of The Odin Project's JavaScript course.
Project description can be found here.
Live demo available here
- Singleplayer mode
- Multiplayer mode
- Manual ship placement
- Responsive design with mobile support
- CSS3
- JavaScript ES6
- Jest
- webpack
- Babel
- ESLint
- Prettier
This project helped to reinforce the following skills:
- Test Driven Development (TDD) with Jest
- ESLint integration
- Prettier integration
- Babel integration
- webpack
- JavaScript modules
- DOM manipulation
- CSS styling
This project could be improved with:
- Single player difficulty modes
- Drag and drop feature to place ships
- Ship icons to indicate ship placement instead of tile background color
- Animations or transitions for hit & miss attacks
- ESLint and prettier config did not seem to be working together. After much time trying to debug, restarting VSCode seemed to resolve the issue.
This resource was helpful for setting up jest and configuring
npm run watch
This resource was helpful when running into node version errors while setting up jest.
This resource was helpful for setting up webpack for both development as well as production.
This resource was helpful when my node version kept resetting.
While setting up ESLint and Prettier with VSCode, I referenced this resource in addition to the docs.
The top answer of this thread seemed to resolve some ESLint errors that I was getting.
This resource is helpful when deploying to GitHub Pages.
This discussion seemed informativve when choosing between class and factory.
This codepen is very useful for assigning colors to SVG icons.
SVG Repo for icons
Jest setup
sudo apt install npm
nvm install 18.18.0
nvm use 18.18.0
nvm alias default v18.18.0
npm init
, but maybe should have usednpm init jest@latest
npm install --save-dev jest
npm install --save-dev babel-jest @babel/core @babel/preset-env
npm install --save-dev @babel/preset-env
npm test
ornpm run watch:jest
to run tests
Webpack setup
npm install webpack webpack-cli --save-dev
npm install --save lodash
npm install --save-dev style-loader css-loader
npm install --save-dev html-webpack-plugin
npm install --save-dev webpack-dev-server
npx webpack
ornpm run build:dev
to bundle in development modenpm run build:prod
to bundle in production modenpm run watch:webpack
to recompile on savenpm run start:webpack
to recompile on save and refresh page- source-maps may not be configured correctly when using this option
ESLint & Prettier setup
- I don't think there is a difference between these:
npm init @eslint/config@latest
(ESLint docs)npm install eslint --save-dev
&./node_modules/.bin/eslint --init
(Digital Ocean Article)
npm install --save-dev eslint-config-prettier
npm install prettier -D --save-exact
node --eval "fs.writeFileSync('.prettierrc','{}\n')"^C
- I don't think there is a difference between these:
npm run deploy
- Clone this repository to your desktop.
- Navigate to the top level of the directory by running
cd naval-warfare
. - Run
npm install
to install the required dependencies. - Open
in your browser. - Run
npm run watch:webpack
to update thedist
folder on save - Refresh page after saving to see changes