is a Docker client that is based on Akka HTTP. It's aim is to provide a Scala and Akka Streams-centric approach to interacting with Docker.
Use SBT:
$ sbt package
Before running the tests, you need the alpine:latest
docker image:
$ docker pull alpine:latest
Then use SBT to run the tests:
$ sbt test
If you are running Docker using Docker Toolbox,
then launch Docker Quickstart Terminal, navigate to this project's directory, and
run sbt
from there.
To include the akka-http-docker
in your project as a dependency, use the Sonatype Snapshot repositories:
resolvers ++= Seq(
libraryDependencies ++= {
// Akka HTTP Docker
"com.jbrisbin.docker" %% "akka-http-docker" % "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
The API will be simple in order to express the maximum amount of information with the least amount of static. To list all containers, and map the IDs of those containers to another processing chain, you would do the following:
val docker = Docker()
docker.containers() onComplete {
case Success(c) => c.map(_.Id)
case Failure(ex) => log.error(ex.getMessage, ex)
To start a container, you may need to create one first. You can map the output of the create into another step using flatMap
, though, so it can all be done in one step.
To create and start a container, use something like this:
val docker = Docker()
Volumes = Map("/Users/johndoe/src/myapp" -> "/usr/lib/myapp")
.flatMap(c => docker.start(c.Id))
.map(c => c ! Exec(Seq("/usr/lib/myapp/bin/start.sh")))
You can also use a for
val docker = Docker()
for {
c <- docker.create(CreateContainer(Image="alpine", Volumes = Map("/Users/johndoe/src/myapp" -> "/usr/lib/myapp")))
ref <- docker.start(c.Id)
exec <- ref ! Exec(Seq("/usr/lib/myapp/bin/start.sh"))
} yield exec
The start()
method returns a Future[ActorRef]
that represents your link to the container. To interact with a running container, send it messages using !
or ?
This is a new project in its infancy. There is a LOT to do if this tool is to be useful to more than just a handful of use cases. If you have the time and inclination, please create a ticket or submit a PR with helpful changes that expand the client functionality and implement some new features that you need.
Apache 2.0