Releases: jbferet/biodivMapR
Releases · jbferet/biodivMapR
biodivMapR v2
biodivMapR v2 includes an updated workflow, with more simple and straightforward application of the full process to produce diversity maps.
- biodivMapR_full is an all in one function to produce the diversity maps.
- minimum intermediate variables saved to reduce the volume of data produced.
- possibility to train biodivMapR with a rastrer and apply the model on independent sites.
- different modalities applicable to biodivMapR for optical data processing are described : spectral transformation, spectral indices.
- improved support for any raster file format, using terra
- more functionalities included, to be described in next documentation versions
update diversity_from_plots
update diversity_from_plots
biodivMapR v1.13.0
- allow use of any vector format (including gpkg, shp... ) for validation plots provided in diversity_from_plots
- allow different crs between raster and vector layers
remove dependency to rgdal and rgeos
biodivMapR v1.12.0
- remove dependency to rgdal and rgeos (issue #18)
biodivMapR v1.11.1
- possibility to enable / disable progressbar in compute_spectral_species_FieldPlots and init_kmeans
biodivMapR v1.11.0
- fixed computation of FD metrics
- removed import progress and emstreeR
biodivMapR v1.10.6
- removed reference to multiprocess, multisession used exclusively from future
biodivMapR v1.10.5
- fixed bug when producing simpson index from map_alpha_div function
- added importFrom corresponding to progressr in continum removal
biodivMapR v1.10.4
- removed unused functions (VectorInRasterFootprint, get_BB, get_BB_from_fullImagem get_BB_from_Vector, get_polygonCoord_from_Shp, read_ListRasters, VectorInRasterFootprint, gdal_polygonizeR) in order to reduce dependency to rgeos
- these functions can be found in R package preprocS2
- fixed bug when computing functional diversity metrics from 1 component only
biodivMapR v1.10.3
- function map_spectral_species checks if format and dimensions of Input_Mask_File are as expected
- function map_spectral_species now supports Input_Mask_File = FALSE. It writes a blank mask to ensure next processes
Functional diversity fix
fixed computation of functional diversity metrics Feve and Fdiv
--> inspired from method used by package FD
biodivMapR v1.9.11
- optimized codes for the computation of spectral species, alpha and beta diversity
- addition of progress bars during the different steps of the computation of spectral species, alpha and beta diversity maps
- systematic use multisession instead of multiprocess
no NMDS anymore
This release does not have NMDS as optional ordination method when computing beta diversty.
Only PCoA
- progress bar instead of messages
- future: multisession instead of multiprocess
- added tutorials for the PROGYSAT workshop
- install package dissUtils directly from github ('cran/dissUtils') as it was removed from official CRAN repo
- discard marginal spectral species based on number of sunlit pixels, instead of total number of pixels considered (window size or plot used for validation)
- harmonize default value for pcelim
- re-integrate package emstreeR (previously removed from CRAN) used to compute functional divergence
- uses future_lapply only if more than one CPU requested, otherwise use standard lapply
- fixed data type of spectral species derived from supervised classification and output directories for alpha and beta diversity
- fixed error occuring when using custom classification map instead of spectral species map
beta: select #dimensions for ordination of dissimilarity
biodivMapR v1.9.0
- Added dimMDS defining number of dimensions to run PCoA for beta diversity
- exported functions from beta library
- updated documentation
- corrected weighted distance from nearest neighbors: assign exact coordinates of a sample when dissimilarity = 0
- temporary: discarded evenness from functional diversity as it uses emstreeR and requires binding to mlpack