These are my dotfiles for Mac!
I spent a very long time on those, so please give credit if your using it :)
Tested on MacOS Ventura 13.0 on a M1 2020 Macbook Pro. This might not work on other hardware/software.
Tokyo Night
Rose Pine Dawn
This dotfile includes:
Dmenu Scripts | Skhd Config | Sketchybar | Yabai WM |
edit config | Window Actions | Spotify | Pywal |
todo list | Dmenu Scripts | MenuBar Feat. | Fixed App Rules |
app launcher | App shortcuts | Spaces | Terminal Blur |
Discord - Chatting
Kitty - GPU terminal
Wezterm - Alternative GPU terminal
Spotify - music player
Firefox - Browser
Terminal apps
Micro, Nvim - Text editor
Cava - Music visualizer
nnn, fzf - File browser
bottom - Resource monitor
Ncmpcpp - Music player
+ Other commands!
OS | macOS (Ventura, 13.0) |
Hardware | M1 MacBook Pro, Late 2020 |
WM | yabai |
Keyboard manager | skhd |
Bar | sketchybar |
Menu | Dmenu |
Terminal | Kitty |
git clone # Clone the repo
cd dotfiles # Go to the cloned directory
./ # Run the installation script; You might need to give the script X permissions ( run chmod +x )