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Releases: jasonfb/universal_track_manager

0.7.6 - Nil check for user agent, small fixes

13 Feb 18:53
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• Nil check for user agent (thanks again @sstrumph !)
• The UniversalTrackManager::Visit object now has a name field for using as a label
• The association to original_visit now has the correct class name (it is a self-joining association)

Minor release- removes byebug

19 Mar 13:47
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get rid of byebug (#30)

Co-authored-by: Seth Strumph <[email protected]>

Augment or replace entirely the default tracked params

27 Feb 19:03
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Universal Track Manager: A Gem for Tracking Page Visits.

Version 0.7.2 — 2021-02-27

Normally the default UTMs are all you want to track are: utm_campaign, utm_medium, utm_source, utm_term, utm_content, but you can now use Universal Track Manager to track other kinds of tracking parameters that come into your Rails website as GET parameters. (For example, 3rd party ad networks.)

For example, all clicks from Facebook have a fbclid, and clicks from Google Adwords have a glicd

As from the installation section of the docs…

To track only the default utms (utm_campaign, utm_medium, utm_source, utm_term, utm_content), use the generator like so:

rails generate universal_track_manager:install 

If you also want to track Facebook and Google clicks IDs, append the parameter --add with a list of field names separated by COMMA.

rails generate universal_track_manager:install --add=fbclid,gcllid

To REPLACE the default list of tracked parameters, use --only

rails generate universal_track_manager:install --only=abc,def

The default utm_campaign would not be tracked in the above case

Of course, you can also use --only to specify a subset of the UTM fields like so:

rails generate universal_track_manager:install --only=utm_source,utm_campaign,utm_medium

Again thanks to @sstrumph for his work on this nice upgrade!