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Build Your Own Atomic

If you'd like to:

  • Build your own copy of the Fedora Atomic or CentOS Atomic images, or
  • Compose and serve up updates or different package sets for an Atomic host...

...then this might be the howto for you.

Atomic hosts are made of regular, already-built RPMs, composed into trees with rpm-ostree. These trees are built into various sorts of images. Here's how you can start with a bunch of Fedora or CentOS rpms, and end up with an atomic tree and ready-to-use atomic images.

Step One: prep a build machine

note: the Vagrantfile in this repo automates steps One and Two -- you can vagrant up a machine with the libvirt or virtualbox providers, vagrant ssh into the machine, and continue with step Three, if you wish. If you're intertested in just customizing a tree for use with an existing atomic host, you can run the whole thing from a container, check out the Dockerfile in this repo for that.

Start with a Fedora 23 machine, bare metal or VM (with nested virt enabled), and install some packages:

$ sudo dnf update -y
$ sudo dnf install -y git docker polipo rpm-ostree-toolbox libvirt

Then, start up some services:

$ sudo systemctl enable polipo
$ sudo systemctl start polipo
$ sudo systemctl enable libvirtd
$ sudo systemctl start libvirtd
$ sudo systemctl enable docker
$ sudo systemctl start docker

Finally, do a bit of prep for the ostree tree we'll be composing, and create a build directory:

$ sudo mkdir -p /srv/repo
$ sudo ostree --repo=/srv/repo init --mode=archive-z2
$ mkdir build
$ ln -s /srv/repo/ build/repo

Step Two: get atomic host metadata

For Fedora 23:

$ git clone
$ cd fedora-atomic
$ git checkout f23
$ cd ..

$ git clone
$ cd spin-kickstarts
$ git checkout f23
$ cd ..

For CentOS 7:

$ git clone
$ cd sig-atomic-buildscripts
$ git checkout downstream
$ cd ..

Step Three: customize the metadata to your liking

The contents of an rpm-ostree tree are defined in one of the json files we grabbed above. The tree manifest syntax is documented here.

For example, to produce a version of the Fedora Atomic or CentOS Atomic tree that adds the fortune command, edit either fedora-atomic/fedora-atomic-docker-host.json or sig-atomic-buildscripts/centos-atomic-host.json, and, in the file's "packages": section, insert a line like this: "fortune-mod",.

If you want to add an RPM that is not already available in a repo, you can create your own custom repo that contains the RPM.

1. Install the createrepo tool. Something like, yum install /usr/bin/createrepo

2. Create a directory for your local repo. We'll use /srv/local-repo

3. Place the RPM in the repo directory. The repo could contain multiple RPMs, but our example only uses one. /srv/local-repo/foobar-1.0.0.x86_64.rpm

4. Run createrepo /srv/local-repo

5. Create a repo file and place in the same directory as your manifest JSON file.

# cat local.repo
name=Local repo

6. Edit the manifest JSON file and include the name of the newly created repo to the repos list. For example, the centos-atomic-host.json would have the repos list edited to include our local-repo:

    "repos": ["CentOS-Base", "CentOS-updates", "CentOS-extras",
              "virt7-docker-el-candidate", "atomic7-testing",
              "rhel-atomic-rebuild", "CentOS-CR", "local-repo"],

7. Additionally, edit the packages list to include the name of the RPM in your local repo. In our example, the name of the RPM is foobar.

Step Four: compose the tree

Change the GitDir value to match your build machine, the value below works w/ my Vagrantfile

For Fedora 23:

$ cd build
$ GitDir=/home/vagrant/fedora-atomic; sudo rpm-ostree compose tree --repo=/srv/repo --proxy= ${GitDir}/fedora-atomic-docker-host.json

For CentOS 7:

$ cd build
$ GitDir=/home/vagrant/sig-atomic-buildscripts; sudo rpm-ostree compose tree --repo=/srv/repo --proxy= ${GitDir}/centos-atomic-host.json

To build or not build images

Before we continue with the image building, note that you don't have to build your own images to have a custom Atomic host. You can compose your own updates and apply them, or even rebase to a completely different tree. I've rebased between CentOS and Fedora, for instance.

If you're going to start with an existing Atomic host (for instance, the ones behind the buttons here, you can compose and serve up a new tree from a Docker container running on that very image, or from any web server.

In this case, you could rsync /srv/repo to a web server or do something like cd /srv/repo && python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080 & to host the repo right from where we built it. Then, to configure an existing Atomic host to receive updates from your build machine, you could run a pair of commands like the following to add a new withfortune repo definition to your host, and then rebase to that tree:

$ sudo ostree remote add withfortune http://$YOUR_IP:8080/repo --no-gpg-verify

$ sudo rpm-ostree rebase withfortune:fedora-atomic/f23/x86_64/docker-host

If you do want to build your own images, keep reading.

Step Five: build images

For Fedora 23:

$ GitDir=/home/vagrant/fedora-atomic; BuildDir=/home/vagrant/build; KsDir=/home/vagrant/spin-kickstarts; sudo rpm-ostree-toolbox imagefactory --overwrite --tdl ${GitDir}/fedora-atomic-f23.tdl -c  ${GitDir}/config.ini -i kvm -i vagrant-libvirt -i vagrant-virtualbox -k ${KsDir}/fedora-cloud-atomic.ks --vkickstart ${KsDir}/fedora-cloud-atomic-vagrant.ks --ostreerepo ${BuildDir}/repo -o ${BuildDir}/virt

For CentOS 7:

This part creates an install tree and install iso, where Fedora uses an existing, external tree. The python simpleserver bit makes this tree available to the following stage of the process.

$ GitDir=/home/vagrant/sig-atomic-buildscripts; BuildDir=/home/vagrant/build; sudo rpm-ostree-toolbox installer --overwrite --ostreerepo ${BuildDir}/repo -c ${GitDir}/config.ini -o ${BuildDir}/installer
$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000 &

This part creates the qcow2, vagrant libvirt and vagrant virtualbox images.

$ GitDir=/home/vagrant/sig-atomic-buildscripts; BuildDir=/home/vagrant/build; sudo rpm-ostree-toolbox imagefactory --overwrite --tdl ${GitDir}/atomic-7.1.tdl -c  ${GitDir}/config.ini -i kvm -i vagrant-libvirt -i vagrant-virtualbox -k ${GitDir}/atomic-7.1-cloud.ks --vkickstart ${GitDir}/atomic-7.1-vagrant.ks -o ${BuildDir}/virt

For both Fedora and CentOS, you should find your images in build/virt/images. The CentOS ISO will end up in build/installer/images/images. Fedora builds its install ISO differently... I need to look that part up if I'm to include build steps here.

Future updates

After you've created your image(s), future runs of the rpm-ostree compose tree command from step four above will add updated packages to your repo, which you can pull down to an Atomic instance. For more information on configuring an Atomic host to consume custom updates, scroll back up to "To build or not build images," above.

Converting images to .vdi (if desired)

These scripts produce qcow2 images, which are ready to use with OpenStack or with virt-manager/virsh. To produce *.vdi images, use qemu-img to convert:

qemu-img convert -f qcow2 c7-atomic.qcow2 -O vdi c7-atomic.vdi

How to log in?

Your atomic images will be born with no root password, so it's necessary to supply a password or key to log in using cloud-init. If you're using a virtualization application without cloud-init support, such as virt-manager or VirtualBox, you can create a simple iso image to provide a key or password to your image when it boots.

To create this iso image, you must first create two text files.

Create a file named "meta-data" that includes an "instance-id" name and a "local-hostname." For instance:

instance-id: Atomic0
local-hostname: atomic-00

The second file is named "user-data," and includes password and key information. For instance:

password: atomic
chpasswd: {expire: False}
ssh_pwauth: True
  - ssh-rsa AAA...SDvz [email protected]
  - ssh-rsa AAB...QTuo [email protected]

Once you have completed your files, they need to packaged into an ISO image. For instance:

# genisoimage -output atomic0-cidata.iso -volid cidata -joliet -rock user-data meta-data

You can boot from this iso image, and the auth details it contains will be passed along to your Atomic instance.

For more information about creating these cloud-init iso images, see


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