This repository contains functions and scripts used for automated processing digitized 1:25000 and 1:63360 scale map sheets, as part of the OCUL-funded Historical Topographic Map Digitization Project, carried out by the Ontario Council of University Libraries (OCUL) Geo Community.
Currently all functions/scripts have been written in the Octave/Matlab language.
##Function list The included functions/scripts:
- georef_rewarp: function to georeference original 600 ppi tifs and produce georectified 300 ppi geotifs
- create_webtiles: script to generate webtiles from georectified images
- create_derivatives: function to create derivative files (thumbs, medium, large) from original 600 ppi tif files
##Dependencies: The functions require installation on one/all of the following libraries:
- Octave or matlab
- Python version 2.7+
- gdal version 2+ (on windows, this may need to be installed on top of QGIS -- e.g. GDAL can be installed from the QGIS install directory, such as: "C:\Program Files\QGIS 2.18\bin\osgeo4w-setup.exe")
- imagemagick version 7+