This is a modified version of
written by @jarnaldich.
This is an extension language on top of Racket that tunes the reader to add raw string syntax, so that you can write things like:
#lang raw-string racket #\$
(directory-list $"\\SERVER\Share") ; list unc paths under windows
(directory-list $[c:\Program Files] ) ; use paring chars as delimiters
(regexp-split (pregexp $'\s') "two fields") ; -> '("two" "fields")
To install Rackjure with Racket 5.3.4 and newer:
raco pkg install racket-raw-string
On older versions of Racket (either you'll need Git or download the tarball and extract them manually):
git clone
raco link racket-raw-string
raco setup racket-raw-string
This library is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
v3.0 (GPLv3). See COPYING
for further information.
Copyright 2014 (C) Duong Nguyen (@cmpitg)
Copyright 2011 (C) Joan Arnaldich (@jarnaldich)