⭐ Welcome to the list of open sourced community projects! ⭐
Projects have been divided into nine unique categories:
- Applications
- Trading
- Forums
- Ledger Explorers
- Quorum Explorers
- Libraries/APIs/Frameworks/Plug-ins
- Remittance Applications
- Tutorials and Documentation
- Wallets
Projects are listed in each category in no particular order.
Disclaimer: Stellar.org does not own, maintain or operate any of these projects. All projects listed in this repo are maintained by the Stellar Community.
To have your project listed in this collection please submit a PR of an edit of the appropriate category file. The edit should follow this format:
### [Project name](link to live project if applicable) - [source](link to repository)
Descriptions should be 40 words or less, and should be followed by two trailing spaces. Use the following format in your description / project name to prevent GitHub's autolinking feature:
To have your project removed from the listing, please submit a PR of an edit, removing your project.