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Public-facing repository for 3D to 2D network abstraction of cerebrovasculature with animation


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Public-facing repository of work-in-progress library for image processing, segmentation, 3D to 2D network abstraction of cerebrovasculature, and interactive visualization of planar graph embedding for detection of neurological anomalies

3D to 2D Animation Example

There are two ends to this project which have yet to be connected: the first, to segment neuroimaging data and extract morphology; the second, to provide interactive animations for 2D graph embedding of the extracted 3D morphology. We include both halves of this workflow for documentary purposes, but the first half (segmentation) remains incomplete, while the pilot of the project and the focus of this repository uses pre-existing morphologized data for 2D embedding and interactive demonstration.

Please note that at any time, you can access module and function descriptions by accessing the docstring using the Python command print(<MODULE OR FUNCTION>.__doc__) inside the Jupyter Notebook.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

We recommend using a virtual environment to keep packages organized. There are two recommended ways to do this from the command line; either using conda or venv and pip:

Option 1: Setting up a virtual environment with conda

(if using Windows, ensure these commands are run in conda shell, not PowerShell)

Set up your virtual environment with: conda create --name arterialenv -f environment.yml python=3.8.3

If you run into issues with the environment.yml file, you may need to use pip: try just running conda create --name arterialenv python=3.8.3 and then use pip to install requirements with pip install -r requirements.txt

Note: There is a known issue with iPyVolume in Python 3.10; we are using Python 3.8.3 because it appears to be stable.

Activate the environment with: conda activate arterialenv

If you're having trouble viewing your virtual environments, run

  • conda info --envs on Linux with conda
  • lsvirtualenv -l on Windows

In order to view your virtual environment in Jupyter Notebooks: python -m ipykernel install --user --name arterialenv --display-name "ArterialVis environment"

You can then run Jupyter Notebook from the Anaconda GUI.

Option 2: Setting up a virtual environment with venv and pip

  1. Run the setup commands below to create and activate a virtual environment to hold the specific versions of packages needed for this project.

    • On macOS or Linux, run these three commands separately in case there are errors:

      python3 -m venv env
      source env/bin/activate
      which python
    • On Windows, run these three commands separately in case there are errors:

      python -m venv env
      where.exe python

      Check the path(s) provided by which python or where.exe python—the first one listed should be inside the env directory you just created.

  2. Then, install necessary packages. Note that you should install the exact versions of the packages.

    pip install -r requirements.txt

    This may take a few minutes.

  3. To run Jupyter Notebook, execute this line on your command line / terminal inside the virtual environment and in the project directory:

    jupyter notebook

Downloading & Processing the Sample Data

We use publicly available data to demonstrate the project that must be downloaded separately.

To download and process the data so it can be ingested by this project, run this command using the command line / terminal inside the virtual environment:


Here is how the data will be organized into directories:

Data Source Save Location Data Documentation
Imaging Zenodo data dicom_files/ Zenodo docs
Morphology BraVa data swc_files/ BraVa docs

If you are having trouble downloading sample data using this method, you can also manually download the data using the information saved in the file .env and in the URLs above.

For the curious, the Data Ingestion Technical Details section describes more about these datasets, how they are processed, and how you can load custom data.

Using the Morphology & Graphing Module

The ArterialVis morphology and graphing module takes *.swc files as input, and outputs interactive interfaces for exploring 3D morphological structure and animation from 3D spatial positioning to 2D abstracted graph embedding using multiple layout algorithms.

Morphology comparison example

This image shows an animation on network that has been sparsified for performance reasons. Sparse animation

We recommend testing all morphological embeddings on sparsified graphs before moving to animation of the complete graph; generating a network layout for the complete vascular tree can take an average of 15 minutes on an ordinary personal computer. Here is an example of the complete graph.

Complete animation

Running the Morphology Notebook

If you used Option 1: conda to set up, run Jupyter Notebook from the Anaconda GUI.

If you used Option 2: venv and pip to set up, run these commands from to activate your virtual environment in a new command prompt / terminal and start Jupyter Notebook.

  • macOS/Linux:

    source env/bin/activate
    jupyter notebook
  • Windows:

    jupyter notebook

Open morphology.ipynb and step through each cell to view outputs.

Using the Imaging & Segmentation Module

Note: This portion of the library is incomplete.

Functions exist for reading, clustering, masking, removing islands, and rendering volumes. Because masking and island removal alone are insufficient for acceptable segmentation, functions do not yet exist for centerline extraction and exporting of morphology. Please refer to the following section—Using the Morphology & Graphing Module—for 2D embedding of morphological structures from pre-existing segmented and morphologized data.

Masking example

Running the Segmentation Notebook

Perform the same steps as for running the morphology notebook, just instead opening segmentation.ipynb and step through each cell to view outputs.

Future Work

Ultimately, the goal of the imaging and segmentation workflow is to convert DICOM image stacks (directories of .dcm files) into a single morphology file (ending in *swc).

Data Ingestion Technical Details

Skip this section unless you are interested in the technical details of how the data is processed or loading your own data.

All data processing functions are stored in arterialvis/ These functions download the neuroimaging and neuromorphology demo datasets and append the .dcm file extension to the proper DICOM images in the neuroimaging dataset.


Our Morphology & Graphing Module and all its functions are stored in arterialvis/ This and can be imported using from arterialvis import morphology to use the function call format morphology.<FUNCTION>() or from arterialvis.morphology import * to import all functions and simply use the function call format <FUNCTION>().

Our sample data is the extracted The Brain Vasculature (BraVa) neuromorphology data provided by the Kraskow Institute at George Mason University. Hyperlinks for the morphology data files and documentation are located in the table above. The data source URL is also coded in the package .env file as SWC_SOURCE and the source data is unzipped by default into the location specified SWC_SAVE. The Python command to download the default neuromorphology data is: fetch.download_swc().


Our Imaging & Segmentation Module is designed to use DICOM images. By convention, DICOM images are stored in directories, where each sequentially enumerated image corresponds to an adjacent slice in the brain. We reads DICOM images into 3D arrays, wherein the first level of the array corresponds to each slice, and the subsequent two levels correspond to the X and Y coordinates of each image.

All image processing and segmentation functions are stored in arterialvis/ and can be imported using from arterialvis import imaging to use the function call format imaging.<FUNCTION>() or from arterialvis.imaging import * to import all functions and simply use the function call format <FUNCTION>().

Our sample data is an MRI DICOM data set provided by the Radiology Department at the Macclesfield General Hospital. Hyperlinks for the data files and documentation are in the table above. The data source URL is also coded in the package .env file as DICOM_SOURCE and the source data is unzipped by default into the location specified DICOM_SAVE. The Python command to download the default neurimaging data individually is download.download_dicom().

Custom data

You can specify a custom URL and/or save path with this Python code:

    zip_path = $URL,
    save_path = $NEW_LOCAL_DIRNAME)


Public-facing repository for 3D to 2D network abstraction of cerebrovasculature with animation







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