- ampligraph version 1.4.0
- tensorflow version 1.15.0
- sckit-learn version 0.24.2
- numpy version 1.20.3
- imbalanced-learn version 0.8.0
The contents of the files are as such
- dataPrep : Juypter notebook with data preperation and creation of knowledge graph
- experiment : Juypter notebook contains the creation, traning and predcition of the KGE models
- Baseline Model : Juypter notebook contains the traning, predcition and evaulation of the Random Forest Model
- eval : Juypter notebook contains the evaulation of the KGE models
The data provided
- bank.csv and Telco_customer_churn.csv contains the orginal data
- bank_prepped.csv and Telco_prepped.csv contain the data after balancing the classes and preperation
- BankTriples.csv and TelcoTriples.csv contain the Knowldege Graph created from the above data