A simple implementation of Blame calculus in JavaScript.
Because the model for overloaded functions needs to be updated, generating wrappers for overloaded functions is slightly buggy.
- Add useful information to this Readme
- Give pointers on compiling node with harmony flags on by default
- Clean stuff:
- refactor out gulp-karma
- remove dependency on git submodules -- find a neater way
- Fix stuff:
- Fix the model for overloaded functions
- refactor shell scripts to JavaScript
- cache results of querying npm registry in json
- output results to json
- Because the Proxy API is quite unstable, right now direct Proxies are only available in Firefox, therefore for testing we will switch to using Karma connected to Firefox.
├── build -- JavaScript files compiled from TypeScript files
├── lib -- plain JavaScript files
├── src -- TypeScript files
└── test -- Tests
└── gen -- Generated bundle for the browser