please contribute by adding automatic edits or any other code improvements!
Note I'm in the process of moving this to flask to make it easier to deploy
First thing you need to do is to get the code on your local machine, there are a few requirements though
- Python 3 (tested on python 3.11.9)
- Git (if you git clone the repository)
- Docker (for building the image)
You can either run the command:
git clone
or use the button 'Code' -> 'Download Zip' on the GitHub page
Then just run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Firstly rename templateSecrets.json to secrets.json
Next you are going to need to acquire and Spotify api keys
Navigate to the API account creation page and input these in the boxes:
Application name = middlefm
Application description = Middle Layer between spotify and LastFM allowing for automatic track edits
Callback URL = "
Application Homepage = "
After doing this you will get a secret and a API key DO NOT SHARE them with anyone else, all you need to do then is place them in the secrets.json file in the apiKey and sharedSecret
Spotify can be a bit more difficult but the steps are largely the same. First log into the spotify dashboard for developers and click create new app, then input these details into the boxes:
- App Name = middlefm
- App description = Middle Layer between spotify and LastFM allowing for automatic track edits
- Select Web API
Then as with lastfm you copy the client ID and client secret into the relevant json fields
Next up is authentication, run the file and follow the steps making sure to paste the information after ?token= only
In the command line you should get the session key, which you can copy and paste into the relevant field of the json file
For the spotify token run the file and follow the details in the command prompt, if done correctly you will have a .cache file in your directory which is needed for the final steps
To generate a docker image run:
docker build -t python-middlefm .
This allows you to host the project anywhere you like, note anytime you change your automaticEdits.json file you will need to run this command and upload the new image to your hosting platform (this can be automated)
Depending on where you host the image you may need to build with this flag: