Summer in a Startup is an internship platform by Center for Entrepreneurial leadership, BITS Pilani to help on-campus students get an opportunity to work at budding startups during the summer vacations. For more details, visit SIS.
Summer in a Startup uses a number of dependencies (gems) to work properly:
- Rails - Server-side wb application framework
- SQLite - Database Engine
- OAuth - Protocol for authorization
- Twitter Bootstrap - great UI boilerplate for modern web apps
- rails_admin - Easy-to-use GUI for the administrator
- rails-simple-search - Search and filter functionality
- will_paginate - Paginating the queries
- paperclip - Attaching documents
- uglifier - Compressing JavaScript assets
- socialization - Achieving double polymorphic relationships among models
- bcrypt-ruby - Encrypting passwords.
- jQuery - duh
Note: As of now, the website is not hosted.