There are QueryList plugins and QueryList-based projects from open-source contributors,Welcome to Pull request to submit your own!Contributing Guide
- jae-jae/QueryList-AbsoluteUrl : Converting relative urls to absolute.
- jae-jae/QueryList-CurlMulti : Curl multi threading.
- liesauer/QLPlugin-SimpleForm : Make form submission easier.
- jae-jae/QueryList-PhantomJS: Use PhantomJS to crawl Javascript dynamically rendered page.
- jae-jae/QueryList-Puppeteer: Headless Chrome
- ahmard/queliwrap: A wrapper around Guzwrap and QueryList.
- jae-jae/QueryList-Rule-Google : Google searcher.
- jae-jae/QueryList-Rule-Baidu : Baidu searcher.
- liesauer/QLPlugin-BingSearcher : Bing Searcher.
Products of based on QueryList.
- slayerhover/pickupadvance:PHP spider, based on swoole and QueryList
- simon-8/story:Story website based on laravel, using QueryList to crawler content
- fbtopcn/fatratcollect:Fatrat collect,wordPress Collection Plug - in
- ahmard/uticlass: This project help you extract download links from fzmovies, 480mkv, o2tvseries, mobiletvshows...