This is source for the website. This is also the place to file requests for new WebJars.
For more information about WebJars visit the website:
Run the web app:
- Start a local memcache server
./sbt ~run
Note: Deploying WebJars to BinTray / Maven Central requires a bunch of stuff. In the future that will be documented but for now, deployment won't work in plain development environments.
Run the all tests:
./sbt test
Run a specific test, i.e.:
testOnly utils.LicenseDetectorSpec -- ex "detect the license"
export OSS_GPG_PASS=asdf
export OSS_GPG_KEY=$(gpg --no-tty --pinentry-mode loopback --passphrase "$OSS_GPG_PASS" --export-secret-keys | base64 -w 0)