This document describe how to install patches we use on linux kernel 4.4 with preempt rt
Branch: master
Prepare a source directory of Linux Kernel 4.4 and patch it with PREEMPT_RT
There are kernel patches from mctest, wastedcores, and KML
Branch: master
In Directory: kernel_patches
Branch: master
In Directory: patches
Branch: master
In Directory: /
We have updated the KML and Wasted-Cores patches to be compatiable with kernel 4.4. These patches include Kernel-Mode-Linux, vDSO enahncement, the 4 bug-patches, profiler-patch and sanity checker patch. Your can select and patch with the patches your want.
For running mctest, your would have to patch with patches in misc directory.
~/linux-source $ git am ../mctest/kernel_patches/misc/Set-kernel-module-constructor-as-default-enable.patch
~/linux-source $ git am ../mctest/kernel_patches/misc/Floating-point-support-for-kernel-module-constructor.patch
~/linux-source $ git apply <patch file>
Do this for every patches you want to include in your build.
Then, we tar the kernel up for building with buildroot.
~/linux-source $ cd ..
~ $ tar -cvf linux.tar linux-source --exclude='.git'
~ $ git clone git://
~ $ cd buildroot
~/buildroot $ git checkout 2016.11
~/buildroot $ git apply ../ELC2017/buildroot_patches/*.patch
The first patch enable the ability to build systemtap The second enable the ability to build the wastedcore tools, using code in this repo.
I have modified the profiler code as:
- Enable changing the maxinum recording length and cpu count in buildroot menu.
- Default:
- Targeting 4 cores system
- Shrink the max sched event entry size, total size should be 6 GB
- Make these configable with CFLAGS
~/buildroot $ cp ../ELC2017/buildroot_configs/x86_64-buildroot-config .config
~/buildroot $ cp ../ELC2017/kernel_configs/x86_64-kernel-config kconfig
~/buildroot $ cp ../ELC2017/buildroot_configs/ARM-A9-buildroot-config .config
~/buildroot $ cp ../ELC2017/kernel_configs/ARM-A9-kernel-config kconfig
~/buildroot $ cp ../ELC2017/kernel_configs/vmalloc-384M.patch vmalloc-384M.patch
~/buildroot $ cp ../ELC2017/buildroot_configs/ARM-A9-KML-buildroot-config .config
~/buildroot $ cp ../ELC2017/kernel_configs/ARM-A9-KML-kernel-config kconfig
~/buildroot $ cp ../ELC2017/kernel_configs/vmalloc-384M.patch vmalloc-384M.patch
buildroot config is enabled to build image with following packages:
- rt-tools
- lmbench
- systemtap
- wastecore tools and kernel modules
- mctest : Coming Soon
~/buildroot $ make menuconfig # Navigate your self to the config entries
Adjust the CPU Number and Max Sample Entries according to your target platform in:
- Target Packages
- wastedcores
Kernel config is set to be build with:
Wastedcore scheduler profiler requires CONFIG_SCHED_DEBUG, and CONFIG_SCHED_INFO
In KML Config, these are enabled:
~/buildroot $ make
This will start the building process of target image.
mctest might fail to build. It's a bug. Build again without cleaning to over come this
# Coming Soon
Prepare an empty usb disk, the following procedure would erase any data on the drive.
We would dd the output image onto the usb drive, insert your drive and issue:
~/buildroot $ sudo dd if=output/images/disk.img of=/dev/sdx bs=4M
# change sdx according to the driver your using
After a while your driver should be ready for booting
SOCFPGA requies a signed u-boot. We will get and use mkpinage, made by maximeh
, to sign it.
This tool require GO Lang to be presented on your system
~ $ sudo apt-get install golang
Get mkpimage source: And build it.
~ $ git clone
~ $ cd mkpimage
~/mkpimage $ export GOPATH=$HOME/go
~/mkpimage $ make
Sign the u-boot image:
~/buildroot/output/images $ ~/mkpimage/bin/mkpimage u-boot-spl.bin -o u-boot-spl-signed.bin
Create an SD card with following partitioning:
- Partition 1: 500MB WinFAT(Id: b)
- Partition 2: 1.5GB Linux(Id:83)
- Partition 3: 10MB Unknown(Id:a2)
Initialize FAT partition:
# Change sdx according to your drive in system
~/buildroot/output/images $ sudo mkdosfs /dev/sdx1
Now we can dd the data onto the target SD Card
~/buildroot/output/images $ sudo dd if=u-boot-spl-signed.bin of=/dev/sdx3 bs=64k seek=0
~/buildroot/output/images $ sudo dd if=u-boot.img of=/dev/sdx3 bs=64k seek=4
~/buildroot/output/images $ sudo dd if=rootfs.ext2 of=/dev/sdx2 bs=64k
~/buildroot/output/images $ sudo mkdir /mnt/sdcard
~/buildroot/output/images $ sudo mount /dev/sdx1 /mnt/sdcard
~/buildroot/output/images $ sudo cp socfpga.dtb zImage /mnt/sdcard
~/buildroot/output/images $ sync;sync;sync
# Change sdx according to your drive in system
Your SD card should be ready to boot the Altera SOCFPGA Development Kit!
Use the newly created driver/SD-Card to boot up the target system.
default user is root
, password is empty.
The testing script we used is located in test_scripts.
The target platform would need to be rebooted every time a test is executed.
First copy the result directory, either ouput or output.cyc, as plots/input
~/ELC2017/plots $ sudo cp -r /mnt/<drive>/root/output.cyc input
Then, each test result's heat map can be ploted with:
~/ELC2017/plots $ ~/wastedcores/tools/visualizations_4.4/plots/ <BENCH NAME> <Start Second> <Highlighted CTX PID>
# e.g. ~/ELC2017/plots $ ./ hackbench.cyc 0 <pid of RT task>
Task running with 's CTX points will be blue, instead of yellow .
The pid shown in ps command was the main task of cyclictest, not the RT task. To find the RT task, we provided a simple script to find out the pid of tasks running with average of 1ms wakeup time in the profiled data.
First look into input/<BENCH NAME>/<BENCH NAME>.ps
, find out the cyclictest main task's PID.
We will use it as to filter out other ~1ms tasks.
~/ELC2017/plots $ python <BENCH NAME> <BASE PID>
# e.g. ~/ELC2017/plots $ python hackbench.cyc 700
- matplotlib
First get the cyclictest RT task PID using above method
Run the python plotters:
~/ELC2017/plots $ python <BENCH NAME> <PID>
~/ELC2017/plots $ python <BENCH NAME> <PID>
~/ELC2017/plots $ python <BENCH NAME> <PID>
Plotting result, produced by of any of the tool, would be in output//
The patches of Wasted Cores is taken from github repo jirka-h/wastedcores
It's ported by user jirka-h
from original author, jplozi
's repo jplozi/wastedcores
, for supporting kernel 4.4.
The KML patches is originated from:, developed by: Toshiyuki Maeda Been ported for kernel 4.4 by us.
Additional informations can be find in file,, which is in each patches' directory.