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Hi there, I'm James!


jaamanu/jaamanu is a ✨ special ✨ repository because its (this file) appears on your GitHub profile.

A passionate Fullstack developer

👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Any project

🤝 I’m looking for help with Any type of project

🎓 I'm a software developer, I hold a Chemical Engineering Degree from Kumasi Technical University Ghana.

👩‍💻 I’m currently training to become a Full-Stack Software Engineer

💬 Ask me about JavaScript, React, Ruby on Rails, RestAPIs

⚡ Fun fact I think I am fun to work with and I can work based on any type of requirement.

💻 All my projects are available here..

My GitHub Stats


Activities Languages
jaamanu jaamanu


Meeting people really delights me so if you want to say hello, I'll be happy to meet you! 😊


Languages and Tools:

css3 html5 javascript rails ruby ruby restapi vscode webpack npm

Visitors count


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  1. Professional-Portfolio Professional-Portfolio Public

    This is a responsive website that navigates from the home page to the about page, following mobile first rule.

    CSS 2 1


    In this project, We build the Awesome books application by using JavaScript ES6A and Webpack. This application displays user-inputs as book data.

    JavaScript 2


    A simple to do list application made with Html, CSS, JavaScript. This web app allows users to add any task, crossout completed task and delete completly any task.

    JavaScript 2

  4. High-School-Managers High-School-Managers Public

    This is a website for digital/printed book seasonal spring discount sales which contains details about the purpose, the target market and testimonials from previous customers, as well as how to pur…

    CSS 2

  5. Bike-Boutique-FrontEnd Bike-Boutique-FrontEnd Public

    BIKE BOUTIQUE is a web application for managing motorcycles renting. The application is built using React for the front-end, Rails for the back-end, and PostgreSQL as the database.

    JavaScript 1


    This is a react project that renders the COVID-19 updates from different countries of the world, it displays the number of cases present per day, tests collected, deaths cases, and much more inform…
