is project that can help you synchronize Ethereum's block record and transaction records and write them to the database.
Available Commands:
crawler Start crawler
help Help about any command
http Start http server
migrate Migration tool
scheduler Start scheduler
writer Start database writer
--config string config file (default "config/default.config.yaml")
-h, --help help for this command
--timeout uint graceful shutdown timeout (second) (default 300)
Use " [command] --help" for more information about a command.
name | env | type | option | desc | default |
app_id | APP_ID | string | application name | "" |
release | RELEASE | bool | is it a release version | false |
logger.level | LOGGER_LEVEL | string | ERROR 、WARN 、INFO 、DEBUG 、TRACE |
log level | INFO |
logger.format | LOGGER_FORMAT | string | console 、json |
log format | console |
http.port | HTTP_PORT | int | http port | 8080 |
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
database.driver | DATABASE_DRIVER | string | mysql 、postgres 、sqlite |
sql driver | mysql | | DATABASE_HOST | string | database host | "" |
database.port | DATABASE_PORT | int | database port | 3306 |
database.user | DATABASE_USER | string | database user | "" |
database.password | DATABASE_PASSWORD | int | database password | "" |
database.database | DATABASE_DATABASE | int | database name | "" |
database.max_open_conn | DATABASE_MAX_OPEN_CONN | int | max open connection of database | 5 |
database.min_idle_conn | DATABASE_MIN_IDLE_CONN | int | max idle connection of database | 2 |
database.connect_timeout | DATABASE_CONNECT_TIMEOUT | string | connect database timeout | 10s |
database.read_timeout | DATABASE_READ_TIMEOUT | string | read database timeout | 30s |
database.write_timeout | DATABASE_WRITE_TIMEOUT | string | write database timeout | 30s |
database.dial_timeout | DATABASE_DIAL_TIMEOUT | time.duration | ping database timeout | 10s |
database.max_idletime | DATABASE_MAX_IDLETIME | time.duration | maximum amount of time a connection may be idle | 1h |
database.max_lifetime | DATABASE_MAX_LIFETIME | time.duration | maximum amount of time a connection may be reused | 1h |
database.ssl_mode | DATABASE_SSL_MODE | bool | connect database with ssl | false |
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
mq.driver | MQ_DRIVER | string | confluentkafka |
message queue driver | "" |
mq.confluentkafka_option.brokers | MQ_CONFLUENTKAFKA_OPTION_BROKERS | []string | kafka broker list | "" |
mq.confluentkafka_option.consumer_group | MQ_CONFLUENTKAFKA_OPTION_CONSUMER_GROUP | string | consumer group name | "" |
mq.confluentkafka_option.group_id | MQ_CONFLUENTKAFKA_OPTION_GROUP_ID | string | consumer group id | "" |
mq.confluentkafka_option.client_id | MQ_CONFLUENTKAFKA_OPTION_CLIENT_ID | string | client id | "" |
mq.confluentkafka_option.poll_timeout_ms | MQ_CONFLUENTKAFKA_POLL_TIMEOUT_MS | int | millisecond of poll message | 100 |
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
scheduler.unstable_num | SCHEDULER_UNSTABLE_NUM | string | the latest quantity will be marked as unstable | 20 |
scheduler.start_at | SCHEDULER_START_AT | int | start synchronization from the block number | 0 |
scheduler.batch_limit | SCHEDULER_BATCH_LIMIT | int | limit of each synchronization | 100 |
scheduler.sync.interval | SCHEDULER_SYNC_INTERVAL | time.duration | interval of synchronization | "10s" |
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
crawler.topic | CRAWLER_TOPIC | string | topic name of the received message | "" |
crawler.pool_size | CRAWLER_POOL_SIZE | int | worker size of crawler | "200" |
crawler.timeout | CRAWLER_TIMEOUT | time.duration | timeout of each operation | 10s |
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
writer.topic | WRITER_TOPIC | string | topic name of the received message | "" |
writer.pool_size | WRITER_POOL_SIZE | int | worker size of writer | "200" |
writer.timeout | WRITER_TIMEOUT | time.duration | timeout of each operation | 10s |
make docker-compose-up
make docker-compose-down