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This unofficial package provides an SDK to access the sevDesk API using PHP. It is auto-generated using the OpenAPI-Generator, based on the tweaks provided by the sevdesk-api project.

Where to get Support

If you have problems, are missing parameters or receive unexpected responses, please report an issue or a pull request in the sevdesk-api project.

For support regarding the API, please contact the sevDesk support directly.

This project is exclusively for the SDK and application-related issues.

Contact: To contact our support click here

General information

Welcome to our API!
sevdesk offers you the possibility of retrieving data using an interface, namely the sevdesk API, and making changes without having to use the web UI. The sevdesk interface is a REST-Full API. All sevdesk data and functions that are used in the web UI can also be controlled through the API.

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing

This API features Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).
It enables cross-domain communication from the browser.
All responses have a wildcard same-origin which makes them completely public and accessible to everyone, including any code on any site.

Embedding resources

When retrieving resources by using this API, you might encounter nested resources in the resources you requested.
For example, an invoice always contains a contact, of which you can see the ID and the object name.
This API gives you the possibility to embed these resources completely into the resources you originally requested.
Taking our invoice example, this would mean, that you would not only see the ID and object name of a contact, but rather the complete contact resource.

To embed resources, all you need to do is to add the query parameter 'embed' to your GET request.
As values, you can provide the name of the nested resource.
Multiple nested resources are also possible by providing multiple names, separated by a comma.

Authentication and Authorization

The sevdesk API uses a token authentication to authorize calls. For this purpose every sevdesk administrator has one API token, which is a hexadecimal string containing 32 characters. The following clip shows where you can find the API token if this is your first time with our API.

The token will be needed in every request that you want to send and needs to be provided as a value of an Authorization Header.
In this case, we used some random API token. The example shows the token in the Authorization Header.

  • "Authorization" :"b7794de0085f5cd00560f160f290af38"
The api tokens have an infinite lifetime and, in other words, exist as long as the sevdesk user exists.
For this reason, the user should NEVER be deleted.
If really necessary, it is advisable to save the api token as we will NOT be able to retrieve it afterwards!
It is also possible to generate a new API token, for example, if you want to prevent the usage of your sevdesk account by other people who got your current API token.
To achieve this, you just need to click on the "generate new" symbol to the right of your token and confirm it with your password.

API News

To never miss API news and updates again, subscribe to our free API newsletter and get all relevant information to keep your sevdesk software running smoothly. To subscribe, simply click here and confirm the email address to which we may send all updates relevant to you.

API Requests

In our case, REST API requests need to be build by combining the following components.

Component Description
  • GET (retrieve a resource)
  • POST (create a resource)
  • PUT (update a resource)
  • DELETE (delete a resource)
URL of the API
URI of the resource The resource to query.
For example contacts in sevdesk:


Which will result in the following complete URL:
Query parameters Are attached by using the connectives ? and & in the URL.
Request headers Typical request headers are for example:

  • Content-type
  • Authorization
  • Accept-Encoding
  • User-Agent
  • X-Version: Used for resource versioning see information below
  • ...
Response headers Typical response headers are for example:

  • Deprecation: If a resource is deprecated we return true or a timestamp since when
  • ...
Request body Mostly required in POST and PUT requests.
Often the request body contains json, in our case, it also accepts url-encoded data.

Note: please pass a meaningful entry at the header "User-Agent". If the "User-Agent" is set meaningfully, we can offer better support in case of queries from customers.
An example how such a "User-Agent" can look like: "Integration-name by abc".

This is a sample request for retrieving existing contacts in sevdesk using curl:

Get Request

As you can see, the request contains all the components mentioned above.
It's HTTP method is GET, it has a correct endpoint (, query parameters and additional header information!

Query Parameters

As you might have seen in the sample request above, there are several query parameters located in the url.
Those are mostly optional but prove to be very useful for a lot of requests as they can limit, extend, sort or filter the data you will get as a response.

These are the most used query parameter for the sevdesk API.
Parameter Description
embed Will extend some of the returned data.
A brief example can be found below.
countAll "countAll=true" returns the number of items
This is an example for the usage of the embed parameter.
The following first request will return all company contact entries in sevdesk up to a limit of 100 without any additional information and no offset.

Now have a look at the category attribute located in the response.
Naturally, it just contains the id and the object name of the object but no further information.
We will now use the parameter embed with the value "category".

As you can see, the category object is now extended and shows all the attributes and their corresponding values.

There are lot of other query parameters that can be used to filter the returned data for objects that match a certain pattern, however, those will not be mentioned here and instead can be found at the detail documentation of the most used API endpoints like contact, invoice or voucher.

Parameter Description
limit Limits the number of entries that are returned.
Most useful in GET requests which will most likely deliver big sets of data like country or currency lists.
The limit must be between 1 and 1000.
offset Specifies a certain offset for the data that will be returned.
As an example, you can specify "offset=2" if you want all entries except for the first two.
Request Headers

The HTTP request (response) headers allow the client as well as the server to pass additional information with the request.
They transfer the parameters and arguments which are important for transmitting data over HTTP.
Three headers which are useful / necessary when using the sevdesk API are "Authorization, "Accept" and "Content-type".
Underneath is a brief description of why and how they should be used.


Should be used to provide your API token in the header.
  • Authorization:yourApiToken

Specifies the format of the response.
Required for operations with a response body.
  • Accept:application/format
In our case, format could be replaced with json or xml


Specifies which format is used in the request.
Is required for operations with a request body.
  • Content-type:application/format
In our case,formatcould be replaced with json or x-www-form-urlencoded

API Responses

HTTP status codes
When calling the sevdesk API it is very likely that you will get a HTTP status code in the response.
Some API calls will also return JSON response bodies which will contain information about the resource.
Each status code which is returned will either be a success code or an error code.

Success codes
Status code Description
200 OK The request was successful
201 Created Most likely to be found in the response of a POST request.
This code indicates that the desired resource was successfully created.

Error codes
Status code Description
400 Bad request The request you sent is most likely syntactically incorrect.
You should check if the parameters in the request body or the url are correct.
401 Unauthorized The authentication failed.
Most likely caused by a missing or wrong API token.
403 Forbidden You do not have the permission the access the resource which is requested.
404 Not found The resource you specified does not exist.
500 Internal server error An internal server error has occurred.
Normally this means that something went wrong on our side.
However, sometimes this error will appear if we missed to catch an error which is normally a 400 status code!

Resource Versioning

We use resource versioning to handle breaking changes for our endpoints, these are rarely used and will be communicated before we remove older versions.
To call a different version we use a specific header X-Version that should be filled with the desired version.
  • If you do not specify any version we assume default
  • If you specify a version that does not exist or was removed, you will get an error with information which versions are available
X-Version Description
default Should always reference the oldest version.
If a specific resource is updated with a new version,
then the default version stays the same until the old version is deleted
1.0 ... 1.9 Our incrementally version for each resource independent
Important: A resource can be available via default but not 1.0

Your First Request

After reading the introduction to our API, you should now be able to make your first call.
For testing our API, we would always recommend to create a trial account for sevdesk to prevent unwanted changes to your main account.
A trial account will be in the highest tariff (materials management), so every sevdesk function can be tested!

To start testing we would recommend one of the following tools:

This example will illustrate your first request, which is creating a new Contact in sevdesk.
  1. Download Postman for your desired system and start the application
  2. Enter as the url
  3. Create an authorization header and insert your API token as the value
  4. For this test, select POST as the HTTP method
  5. Go to Headers and enter the key-value pair Content-type + application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    As an alternative, you can just go to Body and select x-www-form-urlencoded
  6. Now go to Body (if you are not there yet) and enter the key-value pairs as shown in the following picture

  7. Click on Send. Your response should now look like this:

As you can see, a successful response in this case returns a JSON-formatted response body containing the contact you just created.
For keeping it simple, this was only a minimal example of creating a contact.
There are however numerous combinations of parameters that you can provide which add information to your contact.

sevdesk-Update 2.0

Started in 2024 we introduced a new era of bookkeeping in sevdesk. You can check if you already received the update by clicking on your profile in the top right in the sevdesk WebApp or by using the Tools/bookkeepingSystemVersion endpoint.
The old version will be available for some customers until the end of 2024. In this short list we have outlined the changed endpoints with links to jump to the descriptions. If you received the api newsletter you already know what changed. Otherwise you can check the api changes here.

Check your bookkeeping system version

With this endpoint you can check which version you / your client uses. On that basis you must use the old or new versions of the endpoints. Tools/bookkeepingSystemVersion Endpoint

Tax Rules

(affects the properties taxType and taxSet)
With sevdesk-Update 2.0 we changed the available tax rules. Due to a high likeliness of non-compliant accounting, we won't support the following tax type with the sevdesk-Update 2.0 anymore: taxType = custom (this includes 'taxSet': ... ) If you only use taxType = default, taxType = eu and / or taxType = ss, these tax types will automatically be mapped to the new tax rules for a transition period, but you have to make sure the taxRate used in positions is within the allowed ones (you may use the ReceiptGuidance endpoint for that), otherwise the API will return a validation error (HTTP status code 422). For orders, invoices, vouchers and credit notes that were created within sevdesk-Update 2.0 the response will change in all endpoints in which these objects are returned.
So orders, invoices, vouchers and credit notes created within sevdesk system version 1.0 still have a taxType in the response. When they are created in sevdesk-Update 2.0 they will have a taxRule instead.
You can continue to use taxType at first, but we recommend switching to taxRule as there are new options available that were not previously supported.
For orders, invoices, vouchers and credit notes that were created within sevdesk-Update 2.0 the response will change in all endpoints in which these objects are returned. This documentation holds the most current version of the endpoints.
Here are lists of the currently available tax rules, sorted by their use case, structured into revenue/expense and 'Regelbesteuerer'/'Kleinunternehmer'.

VAT rules for 'Regelbesteuerung' in sevdesk-Update 2.0 (Revenue)

VAT Rule New Property Allowed taxRate in positions Old property (deprecated) Unsupported use cases
Umsatzsteuerpflichtige Umsätze 'taxRule': 1
  • 0.0
  • 7.0
  • 19.0
'taxType': 'default' -
Ausfuhren 'taxRule': 2
  • 0.0
- -
Innergemeinschaftliche Lieferungen 'taxRule': 3
  • 0.0
  • 7.0
  • 19.0
'taxType': 'eu' -
Steuerfreie Umsätze §4 UStG 'taxRule': 4
  • 0.0
- -
Reverse Charge gem. §13b UStG 'taxRule': 5
  • 0.0
- -
Nicht im Inland steuerbare Leistung 'taxRule': 17
  • 0.0
'taxType': 'noteu'
  • Creation of an advance invoice
  • Creation of a partial invoice
  • Creation of a final invoice
One Stop Shop (goods) 'taxRule': 18
  • depending on country
  • Usage in vouchers
  • Creation as e-invoice
  • Creation of an invoice with a custom revenue account (accountDatev)
  • Creation of an advance invoice
  • Creation of a partial invoice
  • Creation of a final invoice
One Stop Shop (electronic service) 'taxRule': 19
  • depending on country
  • Usage in vouchers
  • Creation as e-invoice
  • Creation of an invoice with a custom revenue account (accountDatev)
  • Creation of an advance invoice
  • Creation of a partial invoice
  • Creation of a final invoice
One Stop Shop (other service) 'taxRule': 20
  • depending on country
  • Usage in vouchers
  • Creation as e-invoice
  • Creation of an invoice with a custom revenue account (accountDatev)
  • Creation of an advance invoice
  • Creation of a partial invoice
  • Creation of a final invoice
See the example request to create a normal invoice \"invoiceType\": \"RE\" from an order that uses a tax rule that does not support advance, partial or final invoices.

VAT rules for 'Regelbesteuerung' in sevdesk-Update 2.0 (Expense)

VAT Rule New Property Allowed taxRate in positions Old property (deprecated)
Innergemeinschaftliche Erwerbe 'taxRule': 8
  • 0.0
  • 7.0
  • 19.0
Vorsteuerabziehbare Aufwendungen 'taxRule': 9
  • 0.0
  • 7.0
  • 19.0
'taxType': 'default'
Nicht vorsteuerabziehbare Aufwendungen 'taxRule': 10
  • 0.0
Reverse Charge gem. §13b Abs. 2 UStG mit Vorsteuerabzug 0% (19%) 'taxRule': 12
  • 0.0
Reverse Charge gem. §13b UStG ohne Vorsteuerabzug 0% (19%) 'taxRule': 13
  • 0.0
Reverse Charge gem. §13b Abs. 1 EU Umsätze 0% (19%) 'taxRule': 14
  • 0.0

VAT rules for small business owner ('Kleinunternehmer') in sevdesk-Update 2.0 (Revenue)

VAT Rule New Property Allowed taxRate in positions Old property (deprecated)
Steuer nicht erhoben nach §19UStG 'taxRule': 11
  • 0.0
'taxType': 'ss'

VAT rules for small business owner ('Kleinunternehmer') in sevdesk-Update 2.0 (Expense)

VAT Rule New Property Allowed taxRate in positions Old property (deprecated)
Nicht vorsteuerabziehbare Aufwendungen 'taxRule': 10
  • 0.0
'taxType': 'ss'
Reverse Charge gem. §13b UStG ohne Vorsteuerabzug 0% (19%) 'taxRule': 13
  • 0.0

Booking Accounts

(affects the property accountingType)
With sevdesk-Update 2.0 we changed the available booking accounts and their combinatorics. If you use accountingTypes with SKR numbers that are still available in our receipt guidance, you do not have to change anything in your requests. These booking accounts will automatically be mapped to the new representation (Account Datev). But you have to make sure the taxRate used in positions and taxRule used in the voucher is within the allowed ones (check the ReceiptGuidance) of the provided booking account, otherwise the API will return a validation error (HTTP status code 422). For orders, invoices, vouchers and credit notes in that were created within sevdesk-Update 2.0 the response will change in all endpoints were these objects are returned.

Receipt Guidance

To help you decide which account can be used in conjunction with which tax rules, tax rates and documents, we created several guidance endpoints just there for you to get helpful information. You can find the descriptions in the changes section for Vouchers below or jump directly to the endpoint description by using this link: Receipt Guidance.
Receipt Guidance is planned to give you guidance in which account you can pick (depending on your filter criteria and the client settings (e.g. 'Kleinunternehmer')) and which tax rate and tax rules are comptaible with them.


Saving a new voucher (Voucher/Factory/saveVoucher)

Following use cases do not work anymore or have changed:

  1. Custom vat regulations (taxType = custom and provided taxSet)
  2. Only specific tax rates and booking accounts are available. Check ReceiptGuidance
  3. Custom accounting types do not work anymore
  4. Using an asset booking account without creating an asset is no longer possible
  5. A voucher can not be directly set to paid anymore, therefore only status DRAFT (50) or UNPAID / DUE (100) are possible when creating a new voucher. Use the /api/v1/Voucher/{voucherId}/bookAmount endpoint to set a voucher to paid
  6. Setting or changing the property enshrined. Use our new endpoint /api/v1/Voucher/{voucherId}/enshrine to enshrine a voucher

Get or update an existing voucher (Voucher/{voucherId})

Following use cases do not work anymore or have changed:

  1. Custom vat regulations (taxType = custom and provided taxSet)
  2. See ReceiptGuidance to check which tax rates are available in conjunction with which tax rules

Book a voucher (Voucher/{voucherId})

Following use cases do not work anymore or have changed:

  1. Voucher with negative voucher positions can not use 'cash discount' as a payment difference anymore
  2. A Voucher can only be booked when it was registered beforehand (see above)
  3. Based on the combination of voucher positions some payment difference reasons are not possible anymore
  4. The currency fluctuation (CF) type is no longer supported as a payment difference reason


Following use cases do not work anymore or have changed:

  1. Setting or changing the property enshrined will now only be available by using the appropriate enshrine endpoint


The changes to the vat rules also apply here. Check the documentation of voucher above as the changes are the same.

General stricter validation in PUT and POST endpoints

We added stricter validation to ensure only correct invoices are created which than can be further processed in sevdesk. Following use cases do not work anymore or have changed:

  1. Creating an invoice with taxType custom does not work anymore
  2. Processing an invoice beyond status DRAFT (100) without a contact does not work anymore
  3. Advanced invoices (invoiceType: 'AR') and partial invoices (invoiceType: 'TR') can only be created with the tax rule 'Umsatzsteuerpflichtige Umsätze (taxRule: 1)'(for Regelbesteuerer) or 'Steuer nicht erhoben nach §19 UStG (taxRule: 11)'(for Kleinunternehmer)
  4. Creating a dunning (invoiceType: 'MA') with the value of property reminderCharge greater than 0 does not work anymore
  5. Creating an advanced invoice (invoiceType: 'AR'), a partial invoice (invoiceType: 'TR') or a final invoice (invoiceType: 'ER') with a currency deviating from the clients defaultCurrency is not possible anymore
  6. Changing the status manually does not work anymore (see 'Removed endpoint /Invoice/{invoiceId}/changeStatus' below)
  7. Enshrining now has to be done by using the enshrine endpoint (see below)

Saving an invoice (Invoice/Factory/saveInvoice)

Following use cases do not work anymore or have changed:

  1. Invoices can only be created with the status DRAFT (100) and can not be changed manually. Use the matching endpoints (e.g. sendViaEmail) to automatically change the status accordingly
  2. Setting or changing the property enshrined is now only possible by using the enshrine endpoint

Using an order to create an invoice (Invoice/Factory/createInvoiceFromOrder)

Following use cases do not work anymore or have changed:

  1. Creating a final invoice (partialType: 'ER') is not possible if an advanced invoice (partialType: 'AR') or partial invoice (partialType: 'TR') exists. This functionality will be added in a later update

Removed endpoint /Invoice/{invoiceId}/changeStatus

This endpoint will be completely removed (including sevdesk system version 1.0!). Using these endpoints will automatically change the status accordingly:

This new endpoint can be used to reset the status of an invoice to DRAFT (100).

This new endpoint can be used to reset the status of an invoice to OPEN (200).

The enshrine endpoint is now used to set the property enshrined. This operation CAN NOT be undone due to legal reasons!

Credit Notes

The changes to the vat rules also apply here. Check the documentation of voucher above as the changes are the same.

General stricter validation in PUT and POST endpoints

We added stricter validation to ensure only correct credit notes are created which than can be further processed in sevdesk. Due to the move from taxTypes/taxSets to taxRules you need to check the compatibility of the taxRules in combination with the tax rates. Following use cases do not work anymore or have changed:

  1. Creating a credit note without a date of delivery (deliveryDateUntil) for an invoice that has a date of delivery (deliveryDateUntil) is no longer possible
  2. Creating a credit note with a date of delivery (deliveryDateUntil) for an invoice that has no date of delivery (deliveryDateUntil) is no longer possible
  3. Creating a credit note with a date of delivery (deliveryDateUntil) that is before the date of delivery (deliveryDateUntil) of the invoice is no longer possible
  4. Creating a credit note for an advanced invoice (invoiceType: 'AR') or partial invoice (invoiceType: 'TR') is no longer possible
  5. Creating a credit note for a voucher is no longer possible
  6. Creating a credit note with a bookingCategory other than UNDERACHIEVEMENT is no longer possible
  7. Currency fluctuation (CF) is no longer supported as a payment difference

Saving a credit note (CreditNote/Factory/saveCreditNote)

Following use cases do not work anymore or have changed:

  1. Credit notes can only be created with the status DRAFT (100) and can not be changed manually. Use the matching endpoints (e.g. sendViaEmail) to automatically change the status accordingly
  2. Enshrining now has to be done by using the enshrine endpoint (see below)

Removed endpoint /CreditNote/Factory/createFromVoucher

The endpoint will be removed. It is not possible anymore to create credit notes for vouchers within sevdesk-Update 2.0. The endpoint continues to stay available for existing sevdesk system version 1.0 clients.

Removed endpoint /CreditNote/{creditNoteId}/changeStatus

This endpoint will be completely removed (including sevdesk system version 1.0!). Using these endpoints will automatically change the status accordingly:

New endpoint CreditNote/{creditNoteId}/resetToDraft

This new endpoint can be used to reset the status of a credit note to DRAFT (100). You can find the documentation here.

New endpoint CreditNote/{creditNoteId}/resetToOpen

This new endpoint can be used to reset the status of a credit note to OPEN (200). You can find the documentation here.

New endpoint CreditNote/{creditNoteId}/enshrine

The enshrine endpoint is now used to set the property enshrined. This operation CAN NOT be undone due to legal reasons!


General stricter validation in PUT and POST endpoints

Following use cases do not work anymore or have changed:

  1. Creating products with a tax rate other than 0.0, 7.0 and 19.0 is no longer possible

Installation & Usage


PHP 7.4 and later. Should also work with PHP 8.0.


To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json:

  "repositories": [
      "type": "vcs",
      "url": ""
  "require": {
    "itsmind/sevdesk-php-sdk": "*@dev"

Then run composer install

Manual Installation

Download the files and include autoload.php:


Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure API key authorization: api_key
$config = Itsmind\Sevdesk\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('Authorization', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// $config = Itsmind\Sevdesk\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('Authorization', 'Bearer');

$apiInstance = new Itsmind\Sevdesk\Api\AccountingContactApi(
    // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
    // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$model_accounting_contact = new \Itsmind\Sevdesk\Model\ModelAccountingContact(); // \Itsmind\Sevdesk\Model\ModelAccountingContact | Creation data

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->createAccountingContact($model_accounting_contact);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling AccountingContactApi->createAccountingContact: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;

API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
AccountingContactApi createAccountingContact POST /AccountingContact Create a new accounting contact
AccountingContactApi deleteAccountingContact DELETE /AccountingContact/{accountingContactId} Deletes an accounting contact
AccountingContactApi getAccountingContact GET /AccountingContact Retrieve accounting contact
AccountingContactApi getAccountingContactById GET /AccountingContact/{accountingContactId} Find accounting contact by ID
AccountingContactApi updateAccountingContact PUT /AccountingContact/{accountingContactId} Update an existing accounting contact
BasicsApi bookkeepingSystemVersion GET /Tools/bookkeepingSystemVersion Retrieve bookkeeping system version
CheckAccountApi createClearingAccount POST /CheckAccount/Factory/clearingAccount Create a new clearing account
CheckAccountApi createFileImportAccount POST /CheckAccount/Factory/fileImportAccount Create a new file import account
CheckAccountApi deleteCheckAccount DELETE /CheckAccount/{checkAccountId} Deletes a check account
CheckAccountApi getBalanceAtDate GET /CheckAccount/{checkAccountId}/getBalanceAtDate Get the balance at a given date
CheckAccountApi getCheckAccountById GET /CheckAccount/{checkAccountId} Find check account by ID
CheckAccountApi getCheckAccounts GET /CheckAccount Retrieve check accounts
CheckAccountApi updateCheckAccount PUT /CheckAccount/{checkAccountId} Update an existing check account
CheckAccountTransactionApi checkAccountTransactionEnshrine PUT /CheckAccountTransaction/{checkAccountTransactionId}/enshrine Enshrine
CheckAccountTransactionApi createTransaction POST /CheckAccountTransaction Create a new transaction
CheckAccountTransactionApi deleteCheckAccountTransaction DELETE /CheckAccountTransaction/{checkAccountTransactionId} Deletes a check account transaction
CheckAccountTransactionApi getCheckAccountTransactionById GET /CheckAccountTransaction/{checkAccountTransactionId} Find check account transaction by ID
CheckAccountTransactionApi getTransactions GET /CheckAccountTransaction Retrieve transactions
CheckAccountTransactionApi updateCheckAccountTransaction PUT /CheckAccountTransaction/{checkAccountTransactionId} Update an existing check account transaction
CommunicationWayApi createCommunicationWay POST /CommunicationWay Create a new contact communication way
CommunicationWayApi deleteCommunicationWay DELETE /CommunicationWay/{communicationWayId} Deletes a communication way
CommunicationWayApi getCommunicationWayById GET /CommunicationWay/{communicationWayId} Find communication way by ID
CommunicationWayApi getCommunicationWayKeys GET /CommunicationWayKey Retrieve communication way keys
CommunicationWayApi getCommunicationWays GET /CommunicationWay Retrieve communication ways
CommunicationWayApi updateCommunicationWay PUT /CommunicationWay/{communicationWayId} Update a existing communication way
ContactApi contactCustomerNumberAvailabilityCheck GET /Contact/Mapper/checkCustomerNumberAvailability Check if a customer number is available
ContactApi createContact POST /Contact Create a new contact
ContactApi deleteContact DELETE /Contact/{contactId} Deletes a contact
ContactApi findContactsByCustomFieldValue GET /Contact/Factory/findContactsByCustomFieldValue Find contacts by custom field value
ContactApi getContactById GET /Contact/{contactId} Find contact by ID
ContactApi getContactTabsItemCountById GET /Contact/{contactId}/getTabsItemCount Get number of all items
ContactApi getContacts GET /Contact Retrieve contacts
ContactApi getNextCustomerNumber GET /Contact/Factory/getNextCustomerNumber Get next free customer number
ContactApi updateContact PUT /Contact/{contactId} Update a existing contact
ContactAddressApi createContactAddress POST /ContactAddress Create a new contact address
ContactAddressApi deleteContactAddress DELETE /ContactAddress/{contactAddressId} Deletes a contact address
ContactAddressApi getContactAddressById GET /ContactAddress/{contactAddressId} Find contact address by ID
ContactAddressApi getContactAddresses GET /ContactAddress Retrieve contact addresses
ContactAddressApi updateContactAddress PUT /ContactAddress/{contactAddressId} update a existing contact address
ContactFieldApi createContactField POST /ContactCustomField Create contact field
ContactFieldApi createContactFieldSetting POST /ContactCustomFieldSetting Create contact field setting
ContactFieldApi deleteContactCustomFieldId DELETE /ContactCustomField/{contactCustomFieldId} delete a contact field
ContactFieldApi deleteContactFieldSetting DELETE /ContactCustomFieldSetting/{contactCustomFieldSettingId} Deletes a contact field setting
ContactFieldApi getContactFieldSettingById GET /ContactCustomFieldSetting/{contactCustomFieldSettingId} Find contact field setting by ID
ContactFieldApi getContactFieldSettings GET /ContactCustomFieldSetting Retrieve contact field settings
ContactFieldApi getContactFields GET /ContactCustomField Retrieve contact fields
ContactFieldApi getContactFieldsById GET /ContactCustomField/{contactCustomFieldId} Retrieve contact fields
ContactFieldApi getPlaceholder GET /Textparser/fetchDictionaryEntriesByType Retrieve Placeholders
ContactFieldApi getReferenceCount GET /ContactCustomFieldSetting/{contactCustomFieldSettingId}/getReferenceCount Receive count reference
ContactFieldApi updateContactFieldSetting PUT /ContactCustomFieldSetting/{contactCustomFieldSettingId} Update contact field setting
ContactFieldApi updateContactfield PUT /ContactCustomField/{contactCustomFieldId} Update a contact field
CreditNoteApi bookCreditNote PUT /CreditNote/{creditNoteId}/bookAmount Book a credit note
CreditNoteApi createCreditNoteFromInvoice POST /CreditNote/Factory/createFromInvoice Creates a new creditNote from an invoice
CreditNoteApi createCreditNoteFromVoucher POST /CreditNote/Factory/createFromVoucher Creates a new creditNote from a voucher
CreditNoteApi createcreditNote POST /CreditNote/Factory/saveCreditNote Create a new creditNote
CreditNoteApi creditNoteEnshrine PUT /CreditNote/{creditNoteId}/enshrine Enshrine
CreditNoteApi creditNoteGetPdf GET /CreditNote/{creditNoteId}/getPdf Retrieve pdf document of a credit note
CreditNoteApi creditNoteResetToDraft PUT /CreditNote/{creditNoteId}/resetToDraft Reset status to draft
CreditNoteApi creditNoteResetToOpen PUT /CreditNote/{creditNoteId}/resetToOpen Reset status to open
CreditNoteApi creditNoteSendBy PUT /CreditNote/{creditNoteId}/sendBy Mark credit note as sent
CreditNoteApi deletecreditNote DELETE /CreditNote/{creditNoteId} Deletes an creditNote
CreditNoteApi getCreditNotes GET /CreditNote Retrieve CreditNote
CreditNoteApi getcreditNoteById GET /CreditNote/{creditNoteId} Find creditNote by ID
CreditNoteApi sendCreditNoteByPrinting GET /CreditNote/{creditNoteId}/sendByWithRender Send credit note by printing
CreditNoteApi sendCreditNoteViaEMail POST /CreditNote/{creditNoteId}/sendViaEmail Send credit note via email
CreditNoteApi updatecreditNote PUT /CreditNote/{creditNoteId} Update an existing creditNote
CreditNotePosApi getcreditNotePositions GET /CreditNotePos Retrieve creditNote positions
DefaultApi updateStatus PUT /Invoice/{invoiceId}/changeStatus Update the status of an invoice
DocumentApi getDocuments GET /Document Retrieve documents
ExportApi exportContact GET /Export/contactListCsv Export contact
ExportApi exportCreditNote GET /Export/creditNoteCsv Export creditNote
ExportApi exportDatev GET /Export/datevCSV Export datev
ExportApi exportInvoice GET /Export/invoiceCsv Export invoice
ExportApi exportInvoiceZip GET /Export/invoiceZip Export Invoice as zip
ExportApi exportTransactions GET /Export/transactionsCsv Export transaction
ExportApi exportVoucher GET /Export/voucherListCsv Export voucher as zip
ExportApi exportVoucherZip GET /Export/voucherZip Export voucher zip
ExportApi updateExportConfig PUT /SevClient/{SevClientId}/updateExportConfig Update export config
InvoiceApi bookInvoice PUT /Invoice/{invoiceId}/bookAmount Book an invoice
InvoiceApi cancelInvoice POST /Invoice/{invoiceId}/cancelInvoice Cancel an invoice / Create cancellation invoice
InvoiceApi createInvoiceByFactory POST /Invoice/Factory/saveInvoice Create a new invoice
InvoiceApi createInvoiceFromOrder POST /Invoice/Factory/createInvoiceFromOrder Create invoice from order
InvoiceApi createInvoiceReminder POST /Invoice/Factory/createInvoiceReminder Create invoice reminder
InvoiceApi deleteInvoiceById DELETE /Invoice/{invoiceId} Delete invoice by ID
InvoiceApi getInvoiceById GET /Invoice/{invoiceId} Find invoice by ID
InvoiceApi getInvoicePositionsById GET /Invoice/{invoiceId}/getPositions Find invoice positions
InvoiceApi getInvoices GET /Invoice Retrieve invoices
InvoiceApi getIsInvoicePartiallyPaid GET /Invoice/{invoiceId}/getIsPartiallyPaid Check if an invoice is already partially paid
InvoiceApi getLastDunning GET /Invoice/{invoiceId}/getLastDunning Get the last dunning of an invoice
InvoiceApi getOpenInvoiceReminderDebit GET /Invoice/Factory/getOpenInvoiceReminderDebit Get the oben reminder debit for an invoice
InvoiceApi invoiceEnshrine PUT /Invoice/{invoiceId}/enshrine Enshrine
InvoiceApi invoiceGetPdf GET /Invoice/{invoiceId}/getPdf Retrieve pdf document of an invoice
InvoiceApi invoiceGetXml GET /Invoice/{invoiceId}/getXml Retrieve XML of an e-invoice
InvoiceApi invoiceRender POST /Invoice/{invoiceId}/render Render the pdf document of an invoice
InvoiceApi invoiceResetToDraft PUT /Invoice/{invoiceId}/resetToDraft Reset status to draft
InvoiceApi invoiceResetToOpen PUT /Invoice/{invoiceId}/resetToOpen Reset status to open
InvoiceApi invoiceSendBy PUT /Invoice/{invoiceId}/sendBy Mark invoice as sent
InvoiceApi sendInvoiceViaEMail POST /Invoice/{invoiceId}/sendViaEmail Send invoice via email
InvoiceApi updateInvoiceById PUT /Invoice/{invoiceId} Update invoice by ID
InvoicePosApi getInvoicePos GET /InvoicePos Retrieve InvoicePos
LayoutApi getLetterpapersWithThumb GET /DocServer/getLetterpapersWithThumb Retrieve letterpapers
LayoutApi getTemplates GET /DocServer/getTemplatesWithThumb Retrieve templates
LayoutApi updateCreditNoteTemplate PUT /CreditNote/{creditNoteId}/changeParameter Update an of credit note template
LayoutApi updateInvoiceTemplate PUT /Invoice/{invoiceId}/changeParameter Update an invoice template
LayoutApi updateOrderTemplate PUT /Order/{orderId}/changeParameter Update an order template
OrderApi createContractNoteFromOrder POST /Order/Factory/createContractNoteFromOrder Create contract note from order
OrderApi createOrder POST /Order/Factory/saveOrder Create a new order
OrderApi createPackingListFromOrder POST /Order/Factory/createPackingListFromOrder Create packing list from order
OrderApi deleteOrder DELETE /Order/{orderId} Deletes an order
OrderApi getDiscounts GET /Order/{orderId}/getDiscounts Find order discounts
OrderApi getOrderById GET /Order/{orderId} Find order by ID
OrderApi getOrderPositionsById GET /Order/{orderId}/getPositions Find order positions
OrderApi getOrders GET /Order Retrieve orders
OrderApi getRelatedObjects GET /Order/{orderId}/getRelatedObjects Find related objects
OrderApi orderGetPdf GET /Order/{orderId}/getPdf Retrieve pdf document of an order
OrderApi orderSendBy PUT /Order/{orderId}/sendBy Mark order as sent
OrderApi sendorderViaEMail POST /Order/{orderId}/sendViaEmail Send order via email
OrderApi updateOrder PUT /Order/{orderId} Update an existing order
OrderPosApi deleteOrderPos DELETE /OrderPos/{orderPosId} Deletes an order Position
OrderPosApi getOrderPositionById GET /OrderPos/{orderPosId} Find order position by ID
OrderPosApi getOrderPositions GET /OrderPos Retrieve order positions
OrderPosApi updateOrderPosition PUT /OrderPos/{orderPosId} Update an existing order position
PartApi createPart POST /Part Create a new part
PartApi getPartById GET /Part/{partId} Find part by ID
PartApi getParts GET /Part Retrieve parts
PartApi partGetStock GET /Part/{partId}/getStock Get stock of a part
PartApi updatePart PUT /Part/{partId} Update an existing part
ReportApi reportContact GET /Report/contactlist Export contact list
ReportApi reportInvoice GET /Report/invoicelist Export invoice list
ReportApi reportOrder GET /Report/orderlist Export order list
ReportApi reportVoucher GET /Report/voucherlist Export voucher list
SevUserApi getSevUserById GET /SevUser/{sevUserId}
SevUserApi getSevUsers GET /SevUser
TagApi createTag POST /Tag/Factory/create Create a new tag
TagApi deleteTag DELETE /Tag/{tagId} Deletes a tag
TagApi getTagById GET /Tag/{tagId} Find tag by ID
TagApi getTagRelations GET /TagRelation Retrieve tag relations
TagApi getTags GET /Tag Retrieve tags
TagApi updateTag PUT /Tag/{tagId} Update tag
TextTemplateApi addTextTemplate POST /TextTemplate Create a new text template
TextTemplateApi deleteTextTemplate DELETE /TextTemplate/{id} Delete an existing text template
TextTemplateApi getTextTemplate GET /TextTemplate Get an overview of all text template
TextTemplateApi updateTextTemplate PUT /TextTemplate/{id} Update an existing text template
VoucherApi bookVoucher PUT /Voucher/{voucherId}/bookAmount Book a voucher
VoucherApi forAccountNumber GET /ReceiptGuidance/forAccountNumber Get guidance by account number
VoucherApi forAllAccounts GET /ReceiptGuidance/forAllAccounts Get all account guides
VoucherApi forExpense GET /ReceiptGuidance/forExpense Get guidance for expense accounts
VoucherApi forRevenue GET /ReceiptGuidance/forRevenue Get guidance for revenue accounts
VoucherApi forTaxRule GET /ReceiptGuidance/forTaxRule Get guidance by Tax Rule
VoucherApi getVoucherById GET /Voucher/{voucherId} Find voucher by ID
VoucherApi getVouchers GET /Voucher Retrieve vouchers
VoucherApi updateVoucher PUT /Voucher/{voucherId} Update an existing voucher
VoucherApi voucherEnshrine PUT /Voucher/{voucherId}/enshrine Enshrine
VoucherApi voucherFactorySaveVoucher POST /Voucher/Factory/saveVoucher Create a new voucher
VoucherApi voucherResetToDraft PUT /Voucher/{voucherId}/resetToDraft Reset status to draft
VoucherApi voucherResetToOpen PUT /Voucher/{voucherId}/resetToOpen Reset status to open
VoucherApi voucherUploadFile POST /Voucher/Factory/uploadTempFile Upload voucher file
VoucherPosApi getVoucherPositions GET /VoucherPos Retrieve voucher positions



Authentication schemes defined for the API:


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: Authorization
  • Location: HTTP header


To run the tests, use:

composer install


About this package

This PHP package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: 2.0.0
    • Generator version: 7.12.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PhpClientCodegen


An unofficial SDK for the official sevDesk API






Contributors 4

