A tabular multi level menu plugin for jquery. tabMenu allows you to navigate through a multi level tab menu.
- hoverIntent is used for ergonomic behaviour (ie : delaying hover events)
- tab heights equalized with pure css : display:table-cell
- css are separated between core css (tab-menu.css) and themes. You shouldn't have to modify tab-menu.css. if you need to modify the css, just copy-paste one from the themes folder and modify it.
- supports json menus injection
How to use it :
Build your html menu either directly in the dom or by injecting a json menu like this :
/** init menu from json structure */
jsonMenu : myJsonMenu
You can pass in additionnal options :
/** tab-menu container id */
tabMenuId : 'tab-menu',
/** root row id : id for tab-menu first row */
rootRowId : 'rootRow',
/** active tab css class */
activeClass : 'active',
/** wich dom element from #tab-menu represents a row */
rowElement : 'div.row',
/** tab attribute that contains the target row */
rowTargetAttr : 'target',
/** wich dom element from #tab-menu represents a tab */
tabElement : 'div.tab',
/** timeout for hoverIntent */
timeout : 500,
/** a jsonMenu */
jsonMenu : {}