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On Premise provisioning from Okta to a MSSQL database

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On Premise provisioning from Okta to a MSSQL database

A - Prepare Server instance with Microsoft SQL Server + DB / Table ;

1 - Create a Windows Server and install MS SQL:

If you have an AWS Account, in EC2, you can go to Launch Instance,

Search an AMI from catalog and select Microsoft Windows Server 2022 with SQL Server 2022 Standard ;

For instance type, select t3.xlarge as it is the minimum requirement for this AMI ;

Otherwise, create the instance your way, and download + install MS SQL ;

2 - Connect to the Server and open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio ;

3 - On the left-sided bar, click on Connect and connect with your Server credentials ;

4 - Right-click on Databases and click on New Database, give it a name (e.g. dbo used for the documentation) and save ;

5 - Right-click on your database and click on New Query, pass the following code and click on Execute:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[User]( UserID varchar(50) NOT NULL, Enabled varchar(50) NULL, Password varchar(50) NULL, FirstName varchar(50) NULL, MiddleName varchar(50) NULL, LastName varchar(50) NULL, Email varchar(50) NULL, MobilePhone varchar(50) NULL )

INSERT INTO [User] (UserID, Enabled, Password, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, Email, MobilePhone) VALUES ('[email protected]', 'true', '', 'Julia', 'R.', 'Doe', '[email protected]', '123-456-789'), ('[email protected]', 'true', '', 'John', 'W.', 'Smith', '[email protected]', '789-456-123'); 6 - Activate SQL Server Authentication mode:

Right-click on your connection at the top of the left-sided object explorer and click on Properties ;

Go to Security, select SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode ;

Click OK and close prompt;

In Windows search, type Services and open it up ;

Scroll until you find SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER), select it and click on Restart on the left-sided menu ;

7 - Activate sa user and set a password

Back to SQL Server Management Studio, Security / Logins and double-click on user sa ;

In General: Type password as password, confirm password, untick Enforce password policy ;

In Status: Under Login, select Enable ;

Click OK ;

B - Serve the MS SQL DB via https protocol and at a specific DNS (e.g. ; SCIM Gateway Setup 1 - Download and install NodeJS ;

2 - Install SCIM gateway (follow “Installation“ instructions) ;

3 - Configure “index.js” file as follow (comment every line except the mssql one) ;

#!/usr/bin/env node

// // ScimGateway plugin startup // One or more plugin could be started (must be listening on unique ports) // // Could use forman module for running in separate environments // PM2 module for vertical clustering/loadbalancing among cpu's' // node-http-proxy for horizontal loadbalancing among hosts (or use nginx) //

// const loki = require('./lib/plugin-loki') // const restful = require('./lib/plugin-restful') // const forwardinc = require('./lib/plugin-forwardinc') const mssql = require('./lib/plugin-mssql') // const saphana = require('./lib/plugin-saphana') // prereq: npm install hdb --save // const api = require('./lib/plugin-api') // const azureAD = require('./lib/plugin-azure-ad') 4 - Configure the the file {PATH}/scimgateway/config/plugin-mssql.json setting the following values :

{ "scimgateway": { "port": 443, ... "scim": { "version": "1.1", "customSchema": "customSchema.json", ... }, ... }, "endpoint": { "connection": { "server": "", "authentication": { "type": "default", "options": { "userName": "sa", "password": "password" } }, "options": { "instanceName": "", "port": 1433, "database": "dbo", ... } } } } Note: We use port 443 here as https requests will be sent by Okta ;

5 - Download the customSchema.json file below and add it in the folder {PATH}/scimgateway/config/schemas/ ;

customSchema.json 06 May 2023, 04:31 AM

Note: At this stage, by starting up the gateway via the cmd node index.js, you should be able to hit in your browser, passing gwadmin and password as default credentials, and return the 2 entries into your SQL Database. Press CTRL + C in the cmd window to stop the script.

Expose SCIM Gateway to a specific address 1 - Into your registrar, create a A record with the DNS or Subdomain of your choice (e.g. and type your sever Private IP as value ;

2 - Create a publicly trusted certificate for this domain (e.g. using certbot with this doc or with zerossl) ;

3 - Drop cert.pem and privkey.pem in {PATH}/scimgateway/config/certs/ (pem extension is important) ;

4 - Declare the certificate and the key in the {PATH}/scimgateway/config/certs/plugin-mssql.json (refer below);

... "certificate": { "key": "private.pem", "cert": "certificate.pem", "ca": null, "pfx": { "bundle": null, "password": null } }, ... 5 - From the {PATH}, execute the following command node index.js . You can stop the process at any time by pressing Ctrl + C ;

Note: The final trigger message should be “now listening on TLS port 443” ;

6 - In your server browser, type “https:///ping” ;

Default login (if prompted): gwadmin

Default password (if prompted): password

It should return hello

7 - In your server browser, type “https:///ServiceProviderConfig”

Default login (if prompted): gwadmin

Default password (if prompted): password

8 - You can also test the url “https:///users” ;

C - Install and configure the Okta On Premise Provisioning Agent ; 1 - Please follow the official deployment guide to download and install the Okta On Premise Provisioning agent ;

NOTE: The OPP Agent will have to decrypt information returned by the SCIM Server. So, we need to re-download it and import it into the OPP

2 - Download and Install the Java JDK (Windows / x64 Installer) ;

3 - Open a command prompt and type the following commands (eventually replace scimgateway by the name of your application folder like my-scimgateway in the npm deployment guide) (Note: keytool command default password is changeit):

cd C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-20\bin keytool -importcert -file "C:\scimgateway\config\certs\cert.pem" -keystore "C:\Program Files\Okta\On-Premises Provisioning Agent\current\jre\lib\security\cacerts" D - Configure the application in Okta ;

1 - Go to the Okta Admin console ;

2 - In the header menu, go to Applications / Applications ;

3 - Click on Add Application ;

4 - Click on Create Application ;

5 - In the dialog box, select Web for platform and Secure Web Authentication (SWA) for Sign on method ;

6 - Give a name to your application, and a dummy login url (just type and click on Finish ;

7 - Go to the General tab, in App Settings section, click on Edit, select On-Premises Provisioning as Provisioning and Save ;

8 - Go to Provisioning tab and click on Configure SCIM Connector ;

9 - Here below is a configuration example:

10 - Click on the Test Connector Configuration and the following dialog box should appear:

11 - Click on Save

12 - Go to Provisioning tab, and from the left-side bar, configure the To App and To Okta options ;

13 - Go to Import tab, and click on Import Now. Users from the on-prem SQL table should appear ;


If the request is long or times out, don’t hesitate to update to Timeout for API Call in Provisioning tab, Integration panel ;

For some reasons, linked to the difference of data structure sent by Okta and expected by the SCIM Gateway, the Okta to App synchronization still needs some additional configuration ;

14 - In the server, edit the file {PATH}/scimgateway/lib/plugin-mssql.js as following (around lines 50 to 65) :


... const configDir = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'config') const configFile = path.join(${configDir}, ${pluginName}.json) const validScimAttr = [ // array containing scim attributes supported by our plugin code. Empty array - all attrbutes are supported by endpoint 'userName', // userName is mandatory 'active', // active is mandatory 'password', 'name.givenName', 'name.middleName', 'name.familyName', // "emails", // accepts all multivalues for this key '', // accepts multivalues if type value equal work (lowercase) // "phoneNumbers", '' ] let config = require(configFile).endpoint ... To:

... const configDir = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'config') const configFile = path.join(${configDir}, ${pluginName}.json) const validScimAttr = [ // array containing scim attributes supported by our plugin code. Empty array - all attrbutes are supported by endpoint 'userName', // userName is mandatory 'active', // active is mandatory 'password', 'name.givenName', 'name.middleName', 'name.familyName', 'name.formatted', "emails", // accepts all multivalues for this key '', // accepts multivalues if type value equal work (lowercase) "phoneNumbers", '' ] let config = require(configFile).endpoint ... 15 - Restart the SCIM Gateway (in cmd window press CTRL + C and re-execute node index.js) ;

16 - In the Okta Admin console, go to Directory > Profile Editor, and click on Mappings on the side of your SQL Application ;

17 - Go to Okta User to Application tab ;

18 - At email mapping config, dropdown the arrow and select Do not map (result should be as below) ;

19 - Click on Save Mappings and Apply updates now ;

20 - In the left-side bar Applications > Applications, go to your SQL application ;

21 - Go to Provisioning tab, in To App settings ;

22 - Click on Edit, select all checkboxes for:

Create Users ;

Update User Attributes ;

Deactivate Users ;

Sync Password ;

23 - Click on Save ;

24 - That’s all, you can CRUD Users to the MS SQL application and / or import them from it ;


On Premise provisioning from Okta to a MSSQL database






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