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steroid-wallpaper ⚡

Web wallpapers module

Web wallpapers module of Steroid, created to connect with steroid-app, process AccuWeather details, Spotify automatically, PC statistics and give native execution support.

⚠️ This guide is unfinished! Please be patient, I am still uploading all it's content. ⚠️

What is it made of?

  • TypeScript - TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.
  • Node.js - JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.

Table of Contents:



  • Notes and schedule. (Alpha).
  • Weather information.
  • Cloud settings backup.
  • Spotify playback and details.


  • Extense computer metrics.
  • Foreing program execution.
  • Real time computer information.


  • Browser extension connection (SOON).
  • Google Calendar synchronization (SOON).


If you want to download the latest version, you can do so by clicking here.


Steroid's browser module comes as a simple JavaScript file, called steroid-wallpaper.js. This file contains everything you need to communicate with our server, request data and also communicate with Steroid's app.

  • Download the latest version.

  • Drag and drop the steroid-wallpaper.js file where you have your HTML file.

  • Add Steroid Wallpaper module to your HTML file:

      <...> Other stuff </...>
      <script type="text/javascript" src="steroid-wallpaper.js"></script> <!-- LIKE THIS -->
      <script type="text/javascript" src="your-script-here.js"></script>

    You can inform yourself about folder structures and where to put files here.

  • Done.

Steroid doesn't require any type of extension or framework, it's just a simple standalone library file. Keep in mind that it only works on your localhost domain, thanks to our CORS policy. This means that you can't set it up in your own website.

How to use steroid-wallpaper:


Steroid is based on the K.I.S.S. principle (Keep it simple, stupid).

There is no need to create complex and weird solutions for your wallpaper that might bug your head or keep you awake until 4 AM, we already did that for you! It works like a standalone JavaScript module, calling it's functions whenever you need them.

Keep in mind that steroid-wallpaper is asynchronous and requires localStorage to run.


Steroid's functions are separated in two types:

  • Online features: With these features you can access content that might require you or not to connect with Steroid.
    • Login.
    • Spotify.
    • Weather.
    • Server notifications.
    • News and headlines (Still on development).

  • Offline features: Offline features will be always available to you as long as you have Steroid's app installed on your PC.
    • Metrics.
    • Programs execution.
    • Schedule and Notes (Still on development).
    • Widgets handler. (Still on development).

Using steroid-wallpaper:

First of all, to run steroid you must create a JavaScript file and add it to your HTML file like explained in the Installation section.

It is recommended to learn HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Once you created this file, it is recommended to wait until your HTML file and CSS loaded using the window.onload property. This way, every element that requires Steroid's information will be ready to work.

After this, Steroid will be automatically imported to your window global attributes, and calling it becomes a super easy task:

window.onload = () => {
    const steroid = new Steroid(); // Creates a new steroid instance
    // or
    window.steroid = new Steroid(); // Creates an instance in the window global itself, it can be used globally, but only after the site loaded

    const authentication = async (user_id, wallpaper_token) => {
        let {success, data, error, code} = await steroid.initialize(user_id, wallpaper_token); // You must log in to get your user information
        if (success){
          return true;
        } else {
          alert(error, code);
          return false;


It is recommended to read first documentation about async functions and promises to understand how async and await works.

This way, you can work on your own code and forget about having to craft complex solutions for your wallpaper!

If you want to take a look at our testing platform and look at how to interact with every component, you can do so by clicking here.


Errors are a very common thing to handle and work on, in this case, Steroid works different than other modules and applications.

The idea behind this system, is that you as developer can have the flexibility to know which error you got and also it's own code. This way, you will be able to handle them in an efficient way and also will be easy to understand by the end user who doesn't know about coding.

Function Code Description
--- --- ---
Initialize 429 Too many login attempts, come back in a few minutes.
401 Your Username or Wallpaper Token might be incorrent, please check them on your Dashboard and restart your wallpaper.
--- --- ---
Spotify 423 No authentication credentials were found.
401 Ooops, something went wrong with Spotify! Try reconnecting your account with Steroid.
503 Seems like Spotify is not working today, we hope it comes back in a few minutes.
428 You must activate this Spotify function before executing it.
--- --- ---
Weather 423 No authentication credentials were found.



You don't have to constantly keep logging in with your password each time you install a wallpaper, that's why there is a wallpaper_token that is given in our website.

By calling steroid.initialize(), your account details will be verified with your wallpaper_token and user_id, to return your user information and details, if your data ever leaks, it will be read-only.

let login_response = await steroid.verification();

A normal response should be:

response: {
  code: 200,
  data: null,
  error: false,
  success: true


Steroid's Weather API works directly with AccuWeather API, calling it's server and requesting all the information you need, whenever you want. By doing so, your requests won't have any hard limits, and aren't tied to our server.

Steroid's Weather Forecast is super simple and easy to use. It has been implemented like this so you don't have to worry about forgetting your AccuWeather API token. We can store them in our server and it will be applied on any wallpaper you have that runs on Steroid.

It's highly customizable and easy to work with, you can access to it's memory, settings and cache to retrieve data or modify anything you would need.

You can check the AccuWeather API Documentation by clicking: here.

Weather features:

Steroid uses the most out of AccuWeather, to display features such as:

  • UV: UV stregth.
  • Sun: Rise, set and hours of daylight.
  • City: Name, state, country, region, latitude, longitude, timezone and AccuWeather city key.
  • Moon: Rise, set and hours of moonlight.
  • Headline: Any important meteorological change coming, along with severity and category.
  • Air quality: Quality of the air, including grass, mold, ragweed and tree data.
  • Temperature: Text description, measure, feel and summary with their respective maximum and minimum in imperial and metric.
  • Day and Night: Icon, summary, probabilities, wind, rain, snow, ice and total amount of them, light strength and humidity.

Settings and customization:

First of all, you have multiple settings to customize for your own project:

settings: {
    active: true, // If you want the weather to be active
    current: true, // If you want to active your current weather
    forecast: true, // If you want to activate your forecast
    waitingTime: { // Both in ms
        current: 1 * 60 * 60 * 1000, // One hour
        forecast: 4 * 60 * 60 * 1000 // Four hours

All the settings mentioned previously can be edited like this: = false;

And the changes will apply automatically.

Current conditions:

Requests current weather information around your location.

let current_weather = await;

You must have already saved your location and API token on Steroid's webpage. By default, this function will prevent you from calling it in less than an hour.

Forecast information:

Requests an extense weather forecast of your current location.

let forecast_weather = await;

You must have already saved your location and API token on Steroid's webpage. This includes today's full forecast.


Returns information about your city.

let city = await;

You must have already saved your location and API token on Steroid's webpage.

Timer reset:

This function will reset steroid's internal timer, to allow you to request new weather details. It will simply return a true/false response.

let timer_reset = await steroid.weathers.timerReset();

Weather condition icons:

Accessing to this variable will give you all the icon codes and names used by AccuWeather, I personally use weather-icons by Erik Flowers.

let icons =;
let rain_icon =[18];


To use it, you must first sign in your account, linking Steroid with Spotify in the Dashboard. This way, your refresh_token will be stored in our server, and you won't have to worry about boring processes.

This special token, can be used to request something called access_token, that is needed to request information from Spotify's servers, modify your playback state and get it's status.

This method requires you to be logged in with Login function to store your refresh_token and other variables.

Spotify settings and cache:

It's highly recommended to use this settings and test them on different environments:

settings: {
    active: true, // If you want Spotify to be active
    progress: true, // Output progress or not
    create_cover: true, // Create a base64 cover to output on song change
    process_timeStamp: true // Process timestamp to mm:ss

If you have been reading this guide, it means that you already know how to activate/deactivate this functions. In any case you didn't, you can do it by: = false;
steroid.spotify.settings.progress = false;

And, if you want to access it's song memory for any desired reason, you can do so by:

let spotify_cache =;

Login with Spotify:

To login with Spotify and get all the needed tokens to use it, you must access by calling this function:

let spotify_login = await steroid.spotify.access();

And as response, you should get:

{success: true}

Playback information:

Get all the playback information needed by calling:

var playback_info = await steroid.spotify.playback();
    song: {
        name: "Differently",
        album: "Differently",
        artist: "Marin Hoxha",
        cover: {
            url: "",
            base64: "data:image/png;base64, ..."
        duration: {
            ms: 183350,
            time: "3:03"
        progress: {
            ms: 0,
            time: 0

And when the song continues, instead of sending everything again, it will send you the progress:

progress: {
    ms: 123,
    time: "0:01"

If you don't need or want to process your song duration and progress into minutes:seconds format, you can easily turn it off by doing this:

  steroid.spotify.settings.process_timeStamp = false;

Note: Keep in mind that by turning off process_timeStamp, you will be saving up some resources on low-end computers.

If you don't want to output any progress whatsoever, you can actually disable the progress output and wait for a new song:

  steroid.spotify.settings.progress = false;

And you should get one of these in return:

{play: true}, // If the song is reproducing now
{pause: true}, // If the song has been paused
{stopped: true} // If Spotify has been stopped completely

Note: Keep in mind that by turning off progress, you will be saving up resources on low-end computers.

Modify playback state:


Coming in the next update


Coming in the next update


Coming in the next update


Coming in the next update


Coming in the next update

Get collection:

Coming in the next update


Server status

Calling our web API and knowing Steroid's status is as simple as this:

  let hello = await steroid.keepalive(); // Call Steroid API to request server status.

This call (if success) will return:

{ success: true, data: null, error: null, code: 200 }

This response will give you and idea if the service is running or not.


Cache helper allows you to get a direct read to Steroid's cache, this could be useful if you want to get a piece of information at any given point.

  let cache = await steroid.cache.get();


One of the most important features of steroid is the onChange helper. This helper allows you to inject a listener inside Steroid's cache, so when one of it's components updates, your code will execute.

As a small side note, you must know that if the verification process gets triggered and Steroid reloads on memory, this listener will reload too, losing the listening update and causing all components to load with all the new changes already applied. Be aware of React's components reload.

For now, you can only listen to the main cache elements, except user data of course:

  • Notes: steroid.cache.onChange("listen", "notes", yourNotesFunction)
  • Spotify: steroid.cache.onChange("listen", "spotify", yourSpotifyFunction)
  • Weather: steroid.cache.onChange("listen", "weather", yourWeatherFunction)
  • Schedule: steroid.cache.onChange("listen", "schedule", yourScheduleFunction)


  steroid.cache.onChange("listen", "weather", (data) => {
      if (data){
        /* Weather data got received, do something with it */
  }, false); // False at the end only triggers this function ONCE every update, recommended to leave at 'true' when developing.

As you can see, this helper is pretty straight forward and simple to use. You can also remove listeners you created:


  steroid.cache.onChange("remove", "weather"); // Now we remove our listener

News API

For now this function isn't available, but it will be when finished.


Steroid metrics are coming directly from the desktop app throught it's independent local API and processed by it's browser module, please review steroid-app.

For now metrics have to be requested manually to the app until all functions are added.


Steroid is heavily inspired on Rainmeter, as an effort to provide a native-like service and experience for Wallpaper Engine users who would like to stay on the JavaScript side of the moon.
