Bugfix Rotating tabs let the menu swipe out
Bugfix Font error from Gauge.js
Bugfix hochgeladene Backgrounds stehen erst zur Verfuegun...
Bugfix Dashboard ACL permissions
Bugfix Into the check_mk discovery view there should be s...
Bugfix Nagios macros in Service URL not working
Bugfix search filter is lost after switching between "monitored", "not monitored" etc.
Bugfix documentation of statusmap is missing
Bugfix documentation of automap is missing
Bugfix event correlations can not be edited with internet explorer 11
Bugfix If you search the documentation, click into the do...
Bugfix Buttons not working in IE 11
Bugfix hint by deleting a servictemplate, that used by a attached services
Bugfix Add rsync to dependency list
Bugfix openitcockpit-update nach Installation von Modul geht nicht mit Ubuntu 16.04
Bugfix Setup Shell funktioniert nicht mit Ubuntu 16.04
Bugfix Naemon langsam, wenn nagios.log groß wird
Bugfix SetupShell wirft Error mit Ubuntu 16.04
Bugfix Eintragen von IP in SetupShell geht in Ubuntu 16.04 nicht
Bugfix Das Öffnen von Listen (Hosts, Services ) in oITC auf Ubuntu 16.04 geht nicht
Bugfix Export in Ubuntu 16.04
Bugfix Listen in openitcockpit werden nicht schön dargest...
Bugfix Suche funktioniert nicht richtig bei mehrfachen Statuus
Bugfix Wenn man nach etwas sucht, wie "SNMP_Process_sm_qm...
Bugfix Ungenügende Schreibrechte füren zum löschen eines Container Sharings
Bugfix Extend description of modul install text
Bugfix Export langsam
Bugfix Typo in add host- and servicetemplate
Bugfix missing check command args in mk servicetemplates
Bugfix Migration of archive tables
Bugfix Zoomen im Graphen ist Fehlerhaft
Bugfix Servicedependencies: Warning und Critical Icon ...
Bugfix rest password don't work
Bugfix Unterschied EVK Ansichten
Bugfix bash shows phpNSTA: unrecognized service on debugging page
Bugfix Cutted IP-Address after searching host on "not Monitored" Tab
Bugfix The rights problem in maps module
Bugfix Backgrounds cant be deleted over the frontend in Map Module
Bugfix Map Host Icons don't show actually state
Bugfix OITC Nagios Frontend broken
Bugfix Command arguments cannot be deleted
Bugfix Wording Tenats in Nodes
Bugfix Check for Updates via Cronjob
Bugfix Change the edit icon in Maps List View page
Bugfix Error at click Services or Hosts on Piechart at Dashboard
Bugfix Grouping the icons in Automap view
Bugfix Node Container not working properly
Bugfix Error on export when escalation_options (host * and service escalations) and execution_failure_criteria|notification_failure_criteria (host and service dependencies) are empty
Bugfix Deleting obsolete devicegroup column in Nodes documentation
Bugfix Graphgenerator Save Modal
Bugfix Wrong error message "This action is not allowed" while creating new host
Bugfix Check_mk servicetemplates can be selected while creating a new service
Bugfix Der Search Filter für passive Services (P) funktio...
Bugfix Wrong tooltip in mouseover in hostdowntimestable
Bugfix Undefined index 'Map' in Map Rotation
Bugfix Reset Check Time for Host & Service Checks not working
Bugfix oITC/i-doit host import has problems with multiline host description
Bugfix Missing Copy Functionality in v3
Bugfix Wrong link in contactgroups
Bugfix Remove check_mk logwatch functions from core
Bugfix rename massenverdsandDe to massenversandDeModule
Bugfix add massenversand to gitignore
Bugfix edit function calls of massenversand script in header comment
Bugfix Only show the map in map widget
Bugfix Permission Denied for State History and Check History
Bugfix Duplicated Host Notifications
Bugfix Container/Tenant -> Wrong behavior after delete
Bugfix EVC: Umlauts of names are not displayed
Bugfix Hide fields from tables
Bugfix Host Notifications Format Error
Bugfix Host Acknowledge Format Error and missing Content
Bugfix In Maps, if you click the drop down cog, the menu ...
Bugfix Loss of Command Arguments
Bugfix Map Module (Error: Missing directory for backgrounds)
Bugfix Import icons set if they are not in DB
Bugfix hosttemplate->contact is always set to default when empty, even if a contactgroup is set
Bugfix Container/Tenant/Contact -> Wrong behavior after delete
Bugfix EVK list view ignores container
Bugfix EVK list incorrect links after search
Bugfix collective ticket for oITC Ubuntu 16.04 test's
Bugfix Mass functions only once clickable
Bugfix Modify php.ini on installation
Bugfix Logentry "show" 1000 Entrys not working proberly
Bugfix Deleting a container deletes users with multiple containers too
Bugfix Quarterly Autoreports -> missing schema for quarterly reports (.csv format)
New axios assyst soap interface
New In the Host Service Edit there should be in the ar...
New SMS Notification script to
New Additional FIlter in Serviceview for the acknowledgement
New New feature for „Create Text“ in Maps Module
New New Helper Classes to replace command variables
New SSO Support OnWatch v3
New New option to view automaps with/without grouping
New Service and Host detail view by uuid
New Visible Difference between Sticky and non Sticky ACK
New Create Bulk Edit for Host Priority
Improvement Sort by date in State history and Check history would be better
Improvement monitoring plugins should be compilied with ssl enabled
Improvement Hostname in Graphenanzeige
Improvement Update CakePHP to 2.9.1
Improvement Migration is to slowly
Improvement Create feature to upload icons' sets in maps module
Improvement Service disabled icon in Service overview of Host
Improvement EVC List Overview
Improvement Maps overview
Improvement Add prompt message before deleting the satellite
Improvement Optimize satellite deletion
Improvement System Reports Success when Naemon/Nagios is dead
Improvement Add new Ack Icons to the detailview of hosts and services
Improvement Naemon Query Handler
Improvement Show UUID of alle Objects in edit mode
Improvement Scroll back to top
Improvement List element count up to 1000 elements in one list
Improvement Login with viewer user if email address is not in db during cert login
Improvement Map Backgrounds can be seen by anybody
Refactored EVK list with many evk services causes many sql queries