This Naemon Eventbroker (NEB) module reads $VAULT...$
macros from a vim encrypted
When using the OBS repository from you can simply use yum or apt to install this module. Otherwise build it from source.
#> yum install naemon-vimvault
#> apt-get install naemon-vimvault
- naemon-devel (at least version 1.2.5)
- openssl-devel
%> ./ # optional, run if there is no configure file yet
%> ./configure
%> make
Load the neb module into naemon by adding a new file in etc/naemon/naemon.d
broker_module=.../ vault=etc/naemon/vault.cfg
Module arguments are:
: sets path to vim crypted file.password
: sets the master password (not recommended)
Environment variables:
: set the master password from the environment
Create a new file with vim, set the cryptmethod to blowfish2 (this is the only
supported method) and save with :X
%> vim -x -c "set cm=blowfish2" etc/naemon/vault.cfg
<enter password twice>
<add at least one comment or macro>
After the initial creation, the file can simply be edited with vim <file>
vim will automatically ask for the master password.
The vault file must not be empty. The syntax follows the resource.cfg except
macros are named $VAULTx$
# comments start with a hash sign
$VAULT:EXAMPLE$=not only numbers...
Note: unlike the user macros, macro definitions are not limited to numbers. Human readable names can be used as well.
Naemon will ask for the master password upon startup. This does not work with systemd, so we need to change the unit file, so it can ask for a password and put that into a environment variable:
Edit the systemd unit file:
#> systemctl edit naemon
Add this to make systemd ask for a password:
ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/bash -c "/usr/bin/systemctl set-environment NAEMON_VIM_MASTER_PASSWORD=$(systemd-ask-password 'Naemon Vault Master Password:')"
ExecStartPost=/usr/bin/bash -c "/usr/bin/systemctl unset-environment NAEMON_VIM_MASTER_PASSWORD"
Vault macros can then be used like the user macros, ex.:
define command {
command_name check_http
command_line $USER1$/check_http -a "$VAULT1$" "$VAULT:EXAMPLE$" ...