This is a Dataguzzler-Python/SpatialNDE2 driver for the EDT camera link frame grabber.
This package requires the EDT SDK (uses the C API), Dataguzzler-Python, Cython, and SpatialNDE2.
The dgpython-edt-clink package installs with the usual "pip install .", but you probably need to tell it where to find the EDT SDK files (see below). Make sure that you install into the same Python environment you are using for SpatialNDE2 and Dataguzzler-Python
To tell the setup script where to find the EDT SDK files, you need to either modify setup.cfg configuring the path to the SDK in the with-libedt parameter:
[build] with-libedt=/opt/EDTpdv
or you can create a new setup_local.cfg (similar to setup.cfg) with your path configured. If you do the latter, you must set the DIST_EXTRA_CONFIG environment variable to point at your setup_local.cfg, as illustrated in (Linux) and setupcmd.bat (Windows).
To perform the install, if you modified setup.cfg you can just (possibly as root or administrator):
pip install --no-deps --no-build-isolation .
If you created setup_local.cfg, instead run:
sudo ./ (Linux; central install)
./ (Linux; user install)
.\setupcmd.bat (Windows)
NOTE: If you upgrade spatialnde2 it is highly recommended that, after rebuilding and performing the Python reinstall ("python install" from the spatialnde2 build directory) that you clean out your dgpython-edt-clink build/ and dist/ directories and do a full reinstall, e.g. from the dgpython-edt-clink directory:
rmdir /s build dest
rm -r build/ dest/