⚠️ Please do not submit PRs for the time being. They will be rejected until at least September 2023.
⚠️ Please open an issue instead and ask me to take a look at it.
⚠️ Please do not submit PRs for the time being. They will be rejected until at least September 2023.
We use PostgreSQL for our database. The app tries to connect as the user iroase
, so make sure this user exists in the database.
yarn install
to install dependencies, and then yarn dev
. The server will reload when edits are made.
yarn test
to run the test suite. Docker needs to be installed to run the test suite. Or push and let CI deal with it, it'll run there. 🤷
yarn install
Edit the docker-compose.yml file and change the FRONTEND env to the origin of the frontend. Leaving it blank will set the CORS headers to "*", which is not recommended.
yarn prod
This will start up the docker containers needed.