This is a ROS stack for code of the project FLAP for CAOS (Forward-Looking Active Perception for Clutter-Aware Object Search).
A video of the system running on the PR2 robot can be found on the project web page.
More details can be found in the following publication:
Thorsten Gedicke, Martin Günther, and Joachim Hertzberg. FLAP for CAOS: Forward-looking active perception for clutter-aware object search. In Proc. 9th IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles (IAV). IFAC, June 2016.
- Add the following lines to your .rosinstall:
# The uos_active_perception repo
- git:
local-name: uos_active_perception
version: indigo
# A fork of the ROS Navigation Stack featuring symmetrical path costs and batch path planning
- git:
local-name: navigation
version: indigo-flap4caos
- Update the workspace
wstool update
- Compile all ROS packages
catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
Execute each of the following steps in a new terminal:
Start Gazebo
roslaunch active_perception_evaluation race_world.launch gui:=true
Spawn objects of the demo environment and the robot
roslaunch active_perception_evaluation spawn_race_objects.launch roslaunch active_perception_evaluation spawn_pr2.launch
Start the simulation; tuck PR2's arms; start AMCL robot localization
rosservice call /gazebo/unpause_physics rosrun pr2_tuckarm -l t -r t -q roslaunch active_perception_evaluation pr2_navigation.launch
Launch RViz
rosrun rviz rviz -d $(rospack find race_object_search)/config/object_search.vcg
Start mapping and view sampling
roslaunch race_object_search object_search_prerequisites_pr2.launch sim:=true map:=race_extended_inflated fk:=false
Start object search using default planner parameters
roslaunch race_object_search object_search_manager.launch robot:=pr2
Execute object search with 6 target volumes, each with 20% success probability and 5% termination threshold
rosrun race_object_search object_search_manager_test p table1 0.2 table2 0.2 counter 0.2 shelf1 0.2 shelf2 0.2 shelf3 0.2 min_p_succ 0.05
Execute each of the following steps in a new terminal:
Start Gazebo
roslaunch active_perception_evaluation race_world.launch gui:=true
Spawn objects of the demo environment and the sensor
roslaunch active_perception_evaluation spawn_race_objects.launch roslaunch active_perception_evaluation spawn_floating_kinect.launch
Start the simulation; start ground truth robot localization
rosservice call /gazebo/unpause_physics roslaunch active_perception_evaluation floating_kinect_navigation.launch
Launch RViz
rosrun rviz rviz -d $(rospack find race_object_search)/config/object_search.vcg
Start mapping and view sampling
roslaunch race_object_search object_search_prerequisites_pr2.launch sim:=true map:=race_extended_inflated fk:=true
Start object search using default planner parameters
roslaunch race_object_search object_search_manager.launch robot:=floating_kinect
Execute object search with 6 target volumes, each with 20% success probability and 5% termination threshold
rosrun race_object_search object_search_manager_test p table1 0.2 table2 0.2 counter 0.2 shelf1 0.2 shelf2 0.2 shelf3 0.2 min_p_succ 0.05
cd into empty directory (lots of log output will be placed here)
Without any ROS instance running, start the evaluation
rosrun active_perception_evaluation "thesis_nomap(N=20, gui=True)"
- Available experiments:
adjusts the number of trialsgui=False
for headless execution
- Available experiments:
Evaluate generated logs
cd into experiment subfolder
To evaluate and compare initial plans for all planner configurations:
rosrun active_perception_evaluation
To evaluate and compare full search runs for all planner configurations:
rosrun active_perception_evaluation ()
To graphically compare two search runs (e.g.,
):rosrun active_perception_evaluation greedy_0 iw10_0