0.7 - New kernel bugs, workarounds and indefinite spring cleaning
Other than the usual cleanup some new flags have been aded which I found useful enough to make permanent:
Flag(s) [-avoidVirtio/-noVirtio] to use generic virtual hardware such as e1000e for guest Ethernet among other comprompises for special cases.
- If you don't have the virtio ISO handy during installation or are booting a kernel/initrd directly without virtio drivers baked in, this is a savior.
Flag(s) [-cputhreads / -showpairs / -showthreads / -showcpu]
- To quickly show which host threads belong to what cores.
Flag(s) [-ignorevtcon / -ignoreframebuffer / -leavefb / -leaveframebuffer / -leavevtcon]
Optional workaround for kernel Bug 216475 on Nvidia cards.- At the moment, unbinding and rebinding vtcon0/1 may cause a null pointer dereference in fbcon.c with certain video drivers. True for kernel version 6.0.11 at least.
- With this argument I can resume passing my GPU from guest to host indefinitely in a single boot but at the cost of my virtual consoles.
- I like my virtual consoles though so hopefully this is fixed soon and this flag gets deprecated.
Added -kernel, -cmdline and -initrd options for various realtime kernel hackery and testing
As for other general changes since the last tag:
Squashed vcpu pinning bug introduced in earlier commit (Had the ampersand in the wrong spot, damn)
can now also be used instead of-memory
Script no longer relies on brctl, bash now traverses /sys/class/net itself.
Hugepage arguments now also get calculated in the dry run
Script automatically increments its spice port if already in use