The reason you want something like this hosted here: /. Yahoo To Close Delicious Simply: The SaS-cloud is not to be trusted. SaS-clouds are like commercial centralized MMORPGs, you completely depend on a sole company for certain tasks. In that matter see: /. Skype down globally
- Setup the server anywhere you want, even at localhost or via DynDNS.
- Tags supported :).
- Use the chrome extension to search for bookmarks, update them or add new ones.
- For search "options" see or enter lots of rubbish into the search field ;)
- Tested on Ruby 1.8.7. I recommend Ruby Version Manager:
- Requires ruby gems, 'bundler': and rails 3
- "gem install bundler" (only use sudo if you do not use RVM)
- "gem install rails" (only use sudo if you do not use RVM)
- "cd iMarks" go to your application's root directory
- you might need "bundle" to install required gems
- "rake db:migrate" to create database schema
- Edit app/models/user.rb. Uncomment :registerable
- "rails s -p 3010 -e production" to start the web server (I prefer passenger, do "gem install passenger" and then "passenger start -p 3010 -e production" instead of rails s (for server))
- "open http://localhost:3010/users/sign_up"
- Edit app/models/users.rb comment :registerable and restart the webserver
- "open http://localhost:3010" to use the app
- For the chrome extension installation notes see "./_clients/README.rdoc"
- For now you may edit the iframe's src attribute to match it to the domain/IP you run iMarks server on
- If you are on a mac, checkout the supplied applescript os x application in ./_launcher
- "name already taken" for some tag savings (for instance if you supply a (new) tag name twice on bookmark creation)
- Add/Edit form styles
- Autoadd "^" to params search (stands for "starts with")
- Remove "^" from params-search if its the only char
- Options: Set server IP
- Options: Set hotkey for saving
- Aftersave: On HTTP/HTTPS read the documents title on a short timeout if user given title is empty
- Presistant search result on next open (cookie)
- Test and document Heroku deployment (for other users)
- Presistant search result on next open + cookie storage (on next open of browser) (localstorage)
- Icon overhaul
- Large clickable backgrounds
- Hotkeys (arrows for the list, CMD/CTRL/META+S for saving)
- Test/Add Keyboard Navigation
- Stylesheets for standard web browsers
- Stylesheets for iPhone/Android
- Add clickable bookmark icon which reads http's/html <title> and applys this (optional) title to the bookmark. Copy chromes bookmark icon funcionality, add tags field.
- Option: disable Chromes internal bookmark star
- Autocompletion for tags
- Change icon depending on if the server is reachable
- Tags: Max 50 per Bookmark
- Tags: Case in-sensitive "find", case sensitive create/update (e.g. "overwrite")
- Tags: Plural/singluar in-sensitive "find", update to whatever is specified
- :-)
- :-)
- Add optional description field
- AJAX navigation
- Tags: Manage tags - rename tags, merge togather tags
- Categorisation
Bookmark referencing bookmarks (like Also see: and Similar :) (Bookmark HABTM Bookmark)
Bookmark categories/collections (Like Tags)
Tags: Inverted Search - Tag as the main model, Bookmarks as dependencies
Tags as a tree: /w tags: Example, Dummy and /w tags: Dummy, Localhost (also see acts_as_nested_set)
Advanced search by filtering tag tree - Closed:
[+] Dummy [+] Example [+] Localhost
Advanced search by filtering tag tree - Fully expanded:
[-] Dummy - - [-] Example - [-] Localhost - [-] Example - [-] Dummy - [-] Localhost - [-] Dummy -
- iMarks is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. See:
- License permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at
- iMarks License might change to something like LGPL3/GPL3 OR like LGPL3/GPL3 with a non military clause (GPL incompatible), not sure yet.
- Contains source code which is licensed under multiple open source licenses like MIT/BSD/GPL.