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1. Updated path to MANE transcripts
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2. Updated Calypso to generate comp het annotations
3. Added script to make comp het tsv
  • Loading branch information
Alistair Ward committed Nov 8, 2024
1 parent fbafd03 commit ec6d86a
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Showing 3 changed files with 129 additions and 8 deletions.
41 changes: 38 additions & 3 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -500,6 +500,7 @@ def main():
print('# Generate tsv files to upload annotations to Mosaic', file = bash_file)
print('GENERATE_TSV=', root_path, '/', sep = '', file = bash_file)
print('GENERATE_HGVS_TSV=', root_path, '/', sep = '', file = bash_file)
print('GENERATE_COMP_HET_TSV=', root_path, '/', sep = '', file = bash_file)
print('GENERATE_VARIANT_QUALITY_TSV=', root_path, '/', sep = '', file = bash_file)
print('MOSAIC_JSON=', args.mosaic_json, sep = '', file = bash_file)

Expand All @@ -513,6 +514,15 @@ def main():
generate_hgvs_tsv(bash_file, reference)

# Extract compound hets
elif resource == 'compound_heterozygotes':
for annotation in private_annotations:
if private_annotations[annotation]['name'] == 'Comp Het':
uid = annotation
generate_comp_het_tsv(bash_file, uid, proband)

# Extract the Variant Quality scores after getting the uid of this annotation
elif resource == 'variant_quality':
for annotation in private_annotations:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -663,7 +673,7 @@ def main():

# Public annotations are posted to the annotation project, private annotations are posted to the
# case project
if tsv == 'variant_quality.tsv':
if tsv == 'variant_quality.tsv' or tsv == 'comp_het.tsv':
print('-p ', args.project_id, ' ', sep = '', end = '', file = upload_file)
print('-p ', annotation_project_id, ' ', sep = '', end = '', file = upload_file)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1067,9 +1077,11 @@ def bash_resources(use_queue, resource_info, working_directory, bash_file, vcf,
# Generate the names of the intermediate and final vcf files
vcf_base = os.path.abspath(vcf).split('/')[-1].rstrip('vcf.gz')
filtered_vcf = str(vcf_base) + '_calypso_filtered.vcf.gz'
comphet_vcf = str(vcf_base) + '_calypso_comphet.vcf.gz'
print('FILEPATH=', working_directory, sep = '', file = bash_file)
print('ANNOTATEDVCF=$FILEPATH/' + str(vcf_base) + '_annotated.vcf.gz', sep = '', file = bash_file)
print('FILTEREDVCF=$FILEPATH/' + str(filtered_vcf), sep = '', file = bash_file)
print('COMPHET_VCF=$FILEPATH/' + str(comphet_vcf), sep = '', file = bash_file)
print('STDOUT=calypso_annotation_pipeline.stdout', file = bash_file)
print('STDERR=calypso_annotation_pipeline.stderr', file = bash_file)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1263,9 +1275,10 @@ def filter_vcf(bash_file, samples, proband, resource_info, threads):
# ...or that the CADD_Phred score is over 15...
print(' ("CADD_Phred" in INFO && INFO.CADD_Phred > 15) ||', file = bash_file)

# ...or that the REVEL or MutScores are over 0.1...
# ...or that the REVEL, MutScores, or AlphaMissense are over 0.1...
print(' ("REVEL" in INFO && INFO.REVEL > 0.1) ||', file = bash_file)
print(' ("MutScore" in INFO && INFO.MutScore > 0.1) ||', file = bash_file)
print(' ("AM_SC" in INFO && INFO.AM_SC > 0.1) ||', file = bash_file)

# ...or that the variant has a spliceAI score > 0.1 for any of the acceptor / donor sites.
print(' ("SpliceAI_DS_AG" in INFO && INFO.SpliceAI_DS_AG > 0.1) ||', file = bash_file)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1305,16 +1318,26 @@ def filter_vcf(bash_file, samples, proband, resource_info, threads):
print(' ((sample.GQ >= 10 && sample.GQ < 20 && sample.AB >= 0.7) || ', file = bash_file)
print(' (sample.GQ >= 20 && sample.AB >= 0.7 && sample.AB < 0.8))\" \\', file = bash_file)
print(' --sample-expr \"hom_hi_qual: sample.hom_alt && sample.GQ >= 20 && sample.AB >= 0.8\" \\', file = bash_file)
print(' --trio \"comphet_side:comphet_side(kid, mom, dad)" \\', file = bash_file)

# And final compression
print(' --pass-only \\', file = bash_file)
print(' 2>> $STDERR \\', file = bash_file)
print(' | $BCFTOOLS view -O z -o $FILTEREDVCF --threads ', threads, ' - \\', sep = '', file = bash_file)
print(' >> $STDOUT 2>> $STDERR', file = bash_file)
print('echo "complete"', file = bash_file)
print('$BCFTOOLS index -t $FILTEREDVCF', file = bash_file)
print(file = bash_file)

# Extract all comp hets
print('# Extract compound hets', file = bash_file)
print('echo -n "Extracting compound hets..."', file = bash_file)
print('$SLIVAR compound-hets -v $FILTEREDVCF \\', file = bash_file)
print(' --sample-field comphet_side \\', file = bash_file)
print(' --sample-field denovo -p $PED \\', file = bash_file)
print(' | $BCFTOOLS view -O z -o $COMPHET_VCF', file = bash_file)
print('$BCFTOOLS index -t $COMPHET_VCF', file = bash_file)
print('echo "complete"', file = bash_file)
print(file = bash_file)

Expand All @@ -1338,6 +1361,18 @@ def generate_hgvs_tsv(bash_file, reference):
print('-s $TOOLPATH ', file = bash_file)
print('echo "complete"', file = bash_file)

# Call the command line to extract compound hets
def generate_comp_het_tsv(bash_file, uid, proband):
print(file = bash_file)
print('# Resource: Comp Hets', sep = '', file = bash_file)
print('echo -n "Creating tsv file for Comp Hets..."', sep = '', file = bash_file)
print('python3 $GENERATE_COMP_HET_TSV ', end = '', file = bash_file)
print('-i $COMPHET_VCF ', end = '', file = bash_file)
print('-s $TOOLPATH ', end = '', file = bash_file)
print('-o "comp_het.tsv" ', end = '', file = bash_file)
print('-u "', uid, '"', sep = '', file = bash_file)
print('echo "complete"', file = bash_file)

# Call the command to extract the variant quality values
def generate_variant_quality_tsv(bash_file, uid, proband):
print(file = bash_file)
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86 changes: 86 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
from datetime import date
from os.path import exists
from sys import path

import argparse
import os
import sys

import read_resource_jsons as read_resources

def main():

# Parse the command line
args = parse_command_line()

# Define the executable bcftools command
if args.tools_directory:
if not args.tools_directory.endswith('/'):
args.tools_directory = str(args.tools_directory) + '/'
bcftools = args.tools_directory + 'bcftools/bcftools'
bcftools = 'bcftools'

# Open an output tsv file to write annotations to
output_file = open(args.output_tsv, 'w')

# Write the header line to the tsv file
print('CHROM\tSTART\tEND\tREF\tALT\t', str(args.uid), sep = '', file = output_file)

# Parse the vcf file, check the annotations and generate a tsv file for upload to Mosaic
process_vcf(bcftools, args.input_vcf, output_file)

# Close the output tsv file

# Input options
def parse_command_line():
global version
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Process the command line')

# Required arguments
parser.add_argument('--input_vcf', '-i', required = True, metavar = 'string', help = 'The input vcf file to annotate')
parser.add_argument('--output_tsv', '-o', required = True, metavar = 'string', help = 'The output tsv file')
parser.add_argument('--tools_directory', '-s', required = True, metavar = 'string', help = 'The path to the directory where the tools live')
parser.add_argument('--uid', '-u', required = True, metavar = 'string', help = 'The uid for the private comp het annotation')

return parser.parse_args()

# The majority of annotations can be processed in a standard way. The type is checked and numerical
# annotations are checked to ensure they fall within the required bounds
def process_vcf(bcftools, vcf, output_file):

# Loop over all records in the vcf file
command = bcftools + ' query -f \'%CHROM\\t%POS\\t%END\\t%REF\\t%ALT\\t1\\n\' ' + str(vcf)
for record in os.popen(command).readlines():

# Split the record on tabs
fields = record.rstrip().split('\t')

# Update the chromosome and position
fields[0], fields[2] = updateCoords(fields[0], fields[2])

# Build the output record from the updated fields
print('\t'.join(fields), file = output_file)

# Update the chromosome and position in the tsv file
def updateCoords(chrom, pos):

# Check that the chromosome does not include "chr" prefix
if chrom.startswith('chr'): chrom = chrom.strip('chr')

# Add one to the end position
pos = str(int(pos) + 1)

# Return the updated values
return chrom, pos

# If the script fails, provide an error message and exit
def fail(message):
print(message, sep = "")

# Initialise global variables

if __name__ == "__main__":
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
def main():

# Parse the command line
args = parseCommandLine()
args = parse_command_line()

# Define the executable bcftools command
if args.tools_directory:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -47,9 +47,9 @@ def main():
fail('The delimiter field is not provided for resource ' + str(resource) + ' and so its annotation cannot be processed.')

# Get all the MANE transcript ids
maneFile = '/scratch/ucgd/lustre-work/marth/marth-projects/calypso/reannotation/data/GRCh38/reference/MANE.GRCh38.v1.3.ensembl.transcript_ids.txt'
mane = open(maneFile, 'r')
maneIds = []
mane_file = '/scratch/ucgd/lustre-labs/marth/scratch/calypso/data/GRCh38/reference/MANE.GRCh38.v1.3.ensembl.transcript_ids.txt'
mane = open(mane_file, 'r')
maneIds = []
for record in mane.readlines():
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ def main():

# Input options
def parseCommandLine():
def parse_command_line():
global version
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Process the command line')

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